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i walk away from the grave yard, my mom and dad comforting me as i quietly sob.

"its going to be okay" my mom comforts me, i see tears leave from her eyes also
"shes in a better place" my dad reassured


i sigh as i lay on my bed

who wouldve guessed she could leave us this early in age..

gently, i shove my feet off of my bed and place it on the floor of my bedroom. i get up and grab my clothes that was left out from a while ago and leave to go to the bathroom.

after taking a shower, feeling refreshed after...a week? two weeks? i walk over to my room, as i grab the handle, i hear a door open and i sprint to my bed closing my door louder than i desired

"kakyoin..?" my mother called out

i sighed and laid in my bed trying to fake sleep
i hear a crack at my door and my mom walk over to my bed and sit on the edge

"kakyoin..sweetie i know youre not sleep, everytime you fake sleep you tense up.." she rubbed my back in circular motions and i slightly calmed down

"i didnt want you to see me..." i muttered into my pillow.

"you wouldve had to face me eventually.." she sighed and got up i didnt want to look at her right now

"do you want anything for breakfast?" she asked.

"an omelette, if you can.."

"okay.." she closed the door lightly, i think she can tell that im upset.

i should probably check my social medias

i first check my discord, of course theres 655 notifications.. i check my groupchat of some online friends and it goes down to 40

theres a few people who were worried and some were just @'s and @everyones

all of a sudden i get a lot of @'s from this one server im in.

i check it and its people exclaiming how im "finally back on" and other random stuff

after i checked all my social media platforms i put my phone back on my charger and sat up.

i should clean up..

i hear a slight yell, "kakyoin..!"

after breakfast..

i get up and walk to the kitchen slipping on the stairs a bit and i grab my plate

"thank you mom.." i walk over to the stairs and when my foot barley touches the wooden step

"where are you going mister?" my mom asked gently

"i- to my room..?" my head turns in her direction. she has her hand on her hip and a smirk is placed on her face and her arm is rested on the counter

"we need to talk" she said in a casual tone

"so school is starting soon again.." she addressed

i just simply nodded my head and ate not listening to a thing she says. i love her but sometimes she can be a bit of a pain..

"and we-, i want you to start making friends, you've been anti social for a long time... and me and your father have talked about this." she explained "but i expect you to have a friend by the end of the month."

the end of the month?! is she crazy?

"mom.. i dont think thats possible, i never wanted to speak up to anyone so if i randomly start talking to people itll be a bit weird. and plus, school starts on the 19th.."

i'll only have 5 days to get my shit together!

"well, yes but.. you can start small by looking for some people who youd enjoy talking to."

"i- alright, ill try.." i sighed. its worthless to argue with my mom.

i grab my plate and place it in the sink not even bothering to wash it.

i should walk somewhere..

great idea me, but where..

i think for a bit, going upstairs and getting on my phone as a habit.

i can visit that old place she loved...

well, that settles it, if my mom lets me...

well she finally agrees on letting me do something..

i look around the place i used to walk with, with her..
tears start to form in my eyes but i quickly wipe them away and walk over to the abandoned building. i push the doors open and head to the stairs, making sure i dont trip or break something.

finally after 3 flights of stairs i open the doors to the roof and spot a body, slightly larger than mine. hes alone but i still have to be-

"stop staring at me and say hi or something already."

oak hills highschool (jojo AU)Where stories live. Discover now