They both laughed, but Gerard blushed a little too. He was so excited to have some sort of domestic time with Frank, just them hanging out in his apartment, cooking and watching horror movies and not having to be anywhere or do anything specific. 


They drove over to Gerard's in comfortable silence, Frank resting his hand on his knee every now and then. Gerard leaned his head against the window and watched the streets of his hometown fly past, the evening light making everything look warm and better than it normally did. It was weird coming home after a long time away. Nothing really changed or looked any different, and yet for him personally so much had since he last stepped foot in his apartment.

 His neighbour's cat was still sat in it's usual spot on the corner of his road, watching him with a knowing eye. It was nice to come back to such normality when his life normally moved at a hundred miles an hour. 

Normally when he got home he'd feel kind of hollow for a few days, not used to his own company after being with other people constantly for so long on the road, but now with Frank walking into his apartment beside him, it felt perfect. 

"I'll order the pizza" he said, dropping his bag by the door "er, make yourself at home..." 

"Veggie supreme please!" Frank called over his shoulder and he moved through the apartment, dumping his toothbrush in the bathroom and then taking his bag through to the bedroom. He seemed instantly comfortable, and Gerard was so glad their friendship meant that he already knew where everything was, and could relax so easily. 

"I know" he chuckled, grabbing the menu from the kitchen drawer and his phone, which just about had enough battery left to order a couple of pizzas and some diet cokes. 

Once their food had arrived Gerard brought a blanket through to the sofa and they curled up on there, some crappy reality tv on in the background that neither were really paying any attention to.

"I spoke to my mom earlier" Frank said, putting his box down on the coffee table so he could pull Gerard closer to him "she said we should go round for dinner soon, if you're up for that?" 

"Of course" Gerard hummed "it's weird, meeting the parents when you've already met the parents so many times..." 

"It's nice" Frank nodded, fingers running along the line where Gerard's t-shirt stopped and his skin began "no awkward introductions, they already know so much about us, we can just slip into it..." 

"Does she know about... you know... my issues?" 

Frank paused for a moment. "She knows you've had a hard time recently, and I told her you won't be drinking anymore, but she won't press for any more details than that. Nobody really needs to know more than that if you don't want them to." 

Gerard knew what he was talking about. The fans. 

"I don't want to hide it" he frowned "not if it could help people to know what i'm going through. That you can get through it, and that it's okay to speak up about it if you think you've got a problem..." 

"You don't have to be the hero all the time Gee, you already do enough. If you want to keep that, or this, private, than we can." 

"Maybe we'll keep this secret for a bit longer" Gerard grinned, and leaned up to kiss Frank. It was gentle at first, but there was something addictive about finally having Frank all to himself in his apartment, no distractions or bus calls or even hotel breakfasts to make. Just them, moving under the blanket so Frank was leaning over him, his back pressing into the pillows as he pulled him down over him and started to kiss him more heatedly. 

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