Chapter 17 - Trauma

Start from the beginning

I too thought for a while. Here on earth I would be closer to an immediate threat, but closer to help if anything were to happen. In (y/n)'s base, there was a lower chance of anything happening but it would also take longer for help to arrive.

"I think i should probably stay here. If anything were to come after me, which the Khan Maykr would probably do knowing how much I mean to (y/n), I would be closer to help."

"Then it's decided." (Y/n) said as the portal behind him closed.

Just then, the ground shook. I looked at (y/n) who looked across at me. In a flash the wall exploded, sending debris everywhere. I barely got out of it without getting hit. I looked at the whole in the wall to see something which would make even that fat thing look small. (Y/n) looked at me and signalled for me to get out of there, and I did. I ran to the middle of the room where Reinhardt, Ana, Mercy, Winston and Torbjörn were. They'd set up sentries around them and they were the current hospital so to say.

I looked back at (y/n), who was currently in a fight with the massive demon. The demon was firing rockets and lasers at (y/n), but none of them were hitting. (Y/n) pumped rocket after rocket and round after round into the big thing, before it finally stumbled onto one knee. I saw (y/n) jump up to its head and stab it 3 times right through the skull. I looked away, grossed out by it, but looked back when I heard a loud thud. Turned out the loud thud was just the big thing hitting the floor.

"On your left!" Winston shouted at Reinhardt. Just then Reinhardt looked to his left and saw what looked like a cybernetic hell knight running at him. Reinhardt put his shield up, but the demon had energy blades on his arms which cut right through Reinhardt's shield.

Winston got his Tesla cannon out and started firing at the demon, but all it did was make its energy blades glow hotter. The demon then lept at Winston, but barely missed, however he left a red electricity patch on the floor which fried the nearby Torbjörn turrets and broke Winston's barrier.

Reinhardt goes for a massive swing on the demon and connects. The demon get pushed back, but not anything significant to it. Before Reinhardt could react the demon was up in has face. It stabbed him in the stomach before slashing him across the face. I stood in horror, petrified at what it just did to Reinhardt. Torbjörn's face was full of rage. He got his gun out and started unloading round after round into it, but to no avail. All Torbjörn was able to achieve was a broken piece of armour. It lept at Torbjörn, barely missing. He slashed at Torbjörn a few times, but only connecting the last one, which cut Torbjörn's arm, causing Torbjörn to fall over in pain.

I was still standing still. I was terrified from this thing. Suddenly my worst nightmare came true. After he cut Torbjörn's arm, he looked at me. He was a good 30 foot away from me, but judging from what he did earlier, he could cover that in a second. He started walking over towards me, rubbing his blades together as he did so. I started stepping backwards, fearing my life. He was about 10 foot away when he got hit in the back of the head by a rocket. He turned around to see (y/n) charging at him with his double barreled drawn. Before the demon could do anything, (y/n) had unloaded at least 10 rounds into the demon. It fell on its face and quickly went to stand back up but (y/n) put the entire weight of his body through his foot and through the demons head, crushing it.

I stood still in shock. That demon did all of that to my friends, yet (y/n) took it out with ease?

"Lena are you ok? Lena?" (Y/n) said to me, running to me and taking his helmet off. I couldn't answer. I was still thinking about that demon. How it just cut through my friends with ease and how they never stood a chance if it wasn't for (y/n).

"Lena?" (Y/n) said to me sounding seriously concerned. I looked up at him and started crying into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, (y/n)."

"Hey hey Lena, it's ok. They're not gonna hurt you, you'll be fine. I'll protect you, I swear." (Y/n) said as he put his arms around me.

I looked up into (y/n)'s eyes. He could tell that I was scared. I hugged him as hard as I could and (y/n) hugged me back.

(Y/n) pov

I could tell that Lena was so scared. She'd just watched her friends almost get slaughtered by that dread knight. I wanted to comfort her forever, just never leave her and just make her always feel safe, but I knew the longer I delayed to kill this gore nest, the more risk I was putting on everyone. Although I didn't want to leave Lena again, I would have to.


"Yes (y/n)?"

"I'm so sorry but I have to kill this thing. The longer it's alive, the more of a risk I'm putting everyone at."

"Ok, I understand." She said wiping a tear from her eye. "Please stay safe, (y/n)."

"I will, but for now, focus on yourself. I'll do what I've gotta do, you do what you've gotta do."

I looked at her one last time before turning to the gore nest. This gore nest was bigger than any I'd ever seen. It was huge. How I would destroy it, I didn't know, but I would do whatever was required of me to keep Lena safe.

I pulled my super shotgun out and readied myself for my biggest battle in a long time. As I out my helmet on, only one sentence was going through my head.
"Rip and tear, until it is done."

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