Chapter Four

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My sleep had been peaceful but the sharp burning pain that exploded in my gut was not. I let out a pained scream doubling over and gripping my stomach. The door bursting open covered the sob that exploded from my chest, within seconds Griffin's face filled my vision wiping the tears that had spilled. For some reason that slight touch reduced the burning so I felt that I could at least speak.

"Telulah what is it? What's wrong?" He asked and I clutch my stomach letting out another gut wrenching scream.

"I don't know." I force out just before my body convulses once again. If I didn't know any better I'd think I was having some sort of seizure. 

"What's going on?" Alex asks softly walking through my door with Lucas. I grip my head in my hands feeling the pain slowly spread up my spine and to my temples.

"I have no idea I just heard her screaming and I came into this." Griffin rushes out and Alex makes her way closer to the bed while Lucas stands protectively beside Griffin as if my five three pained body was going to hurt him or something.

"Um guys, I know what's going on." Alex says a blush staining her cheeks. Everyone looks at her while I let out another scream turned to a sob as my limbs start to shake slightly. "She's in heat." Griffin's face goes pale causing Lucas to stop a chuckle from escaping. Which I would have done the same had it not felt like somebody was ripping my body apart.

"What does that even mean? She's horny?" Griffin spits out proceeding to make me to be more and more mortified.

"What! No!" Alex yelled a horrified expression crossing her face. "It's cause you guys aren't bonded yet. Her wolf is trying to detach and override her. And I thought alphas were supposed to know everything." Alex rolls her eyes but I can't feel anything past my stomach dropping and my skull damn near cracking in half and I groan. I didn't want to bond that was so permanent it made this whole mate thing with him real and I wasn't ready for that.

"We'll have the bonding ceremony first thing tomorrow morning, Lucas inform the rest of the pack." Lucas bows his head in understanding already typing away at something  on his phone. "Alex how can we keep her at bay until then." She looks from him to me both with sympathetic looks before saying something I did not want to hear.

"Well, what her wolf needs is connection to her mate, which there is several more ways to such besides bond. Any sort of physical touch will keep it pretty mild until you complete the ceremony. There is another way to keep it away for longer without the ceremony but I know Telulah doesn't want that option so I would settle for the less invasive option." I silently thank her for that and she touches Lucas's shoulder distracting him from whatever he was typing away at. "We should probably get some rest before tomorrow, we'll have to get the ceremony ready." He nods are her and they quickly exit shutting the door softly behind them leaving the room quiet except for my soft cries. Griffin removes himself from the bed the further he walks away the worse my body struggles in pain. When he's back I feel him roll me to my back softly my body too weak to fight him on it. He pushes back the hair that stuck to the sweat on my forehead before pressing a cool cloth against me slowly easing the pain in my body until all the comes from my mouth are small pained whimpers. He removes the cloth setting it on the beside table before carefully lying down in the bed beside me and very slowly brings my shaking body into his, curling me into his side. Alex was right, and I'd hate to admit it. But his body against mine had finally brought my pain to a small simmer that I could manage enough to fall back asleep.

The bright rays through the window awoke me the next morning, the pain still in my stomach and chest but less and much more tolerable. Griffin sleeps soundly beside me his arms tied tightly around me; from this position he almost looked peaceful and childlike. Almost enough for me to forget about everything else, almost. I carefully stretched out my limbs trying not to wake him though I seemed to have failed when he shot up in almost a panic looking around the room before back at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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