Chapter One

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"Telulah!" My sister April sings through my room before flopping onto my bed. I groan throwing my blanket over my face. "Telulah rise and shine come on. You have to come down father wants to announce something to the pack. He says it's important." She bounces up and down a little more and I sigh pushing her off roughly but she just laughs as her butt hits the floor. For being my older sister she sure acted like a child.

"Go find Jameson, I'm sure he's looking for you." I tell her pushing myself deeper into my bed. Jameson is April's mate, see we are all werewolves. Our father, Dean, is the Alpha of our pack along with our mother Kathrine our Luna. Each wolf has a mate who they are destined to be with. April found Jameson when they were both nineteen, they are now twenty-five and engaged. I am the youngest and only mateless wolf in the pack. Considering we all live in the same pack house it's a little awkward to be the one lone wolf. I'm sure my father isn't too happy about his daughter being to only mateless wolf in his pack.

"Actually I'm right here." Jameson says from my doorway and I groan. "You should hurry up your father is not very happy." He says softly and that's enough for me to get myself out of my bed. My father has quiet the temper and if he's already enraged I wouldn't like to poke the bear, or wolf should I say. April and Jameson politely remove themselves from my room and I rush around quick to get myself ready. I decide on some white jeans and a light blue sweater before brushing my hair out and bounding my way down the stairs to our kitchen. Upon entering I see our cook Gloria and she gives me a warm smile while flipping the pancakes on the griddle.

"Morning Gloria!" I say hugging her softly and kissing her on the cheek. The buttery griddle clouds my senses and I smile, Gloria was the best cook.

"Good morning dear. How was your sleep?" She ask and I sigh quickly going to help her with breakfast preparation.

"It was fine until April and Jameson woke me up." I huff cutting the strawberries in quarters. "Has father talked to you about his big announcement?"

"No he hasn't told anyone except for Joseph I assume." Gloria says adding more batter to the griddle. Joseph was my fathers Beta also known as second in command. Joseph and my father have been friends since childhood and they couldn't be better leaders.

"It's, frustrating." I sigh out putting all the strawberries into a final bowl. Gloria's eyes become cloudy before she comes back and gives me a soft smile.

"I know dear but it will only be a few minutes now. You father just linked the pack we're all meeting in the dinning room now. Help me carry everything out?" I nod at her grabbing a platter in one hand and a bowl in the other.

"It's not fair Gloria. I want to be able to link my own pack. I'm always late to things or miss out cause I can't." I whine setting down one of the platters in the middle of one of the round tables in the dinning room. Our dinning room was large considering it was a pack house it had to be. It consisted of four large round tables that sat 6 people each. Enough for everyone and their mate, well except for me of course. There is supposed to be twenty four pack members but there's only twenty three of us due to me being mateless.

"Once you meet your mate dear. All in good time I promise." Gloria says kissing me on the forehead and walking briskly to the kitchen to finish before the pack begins to arrive. I set out all eating utensils and condiments as Gloria takes out the rest of the food. She brings out the last platter of sausages just as everyone begins entering. My Mother and Father walk in first and I bow my head before taking my seat at the center table where the family sat. The side to my left is empty where my mate would be seated, next to that seat is April followed by Jameson, then lastly, my mother and my father. Beta Joseph and his mate Claire sit at a table to the right surrounded by our strongest warriors. My father clears his throat and the talking in the room immediately halts as he stands.

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