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Colby was gonna sleep in his new room for the very first time tonight. No more scary cold basements he thought. No more of waking up and his body aching, even though it was just for a couple days. But still, who would ever want to go through that?
Colby felt as if he was betraying himself though, because he wasn't really upset with where he was now. He had to admit Sam and everyone treated him 10x better than what his previous owners did. And he knew that the boys would try and bombard him and ask what happened, he would tell them. Just not now.

"Okay kitty bed time," Elton came over to where Colby sat on the floor on a light pink blanket.

Colby looked up at the clock on the wall seeing it was only 7:40. "B-But daddy," he mumbled looking up at Elton.

Elton chuckled but lifted the younger up hoisting him in his hip. "No buts prince you heard me".

Colby sighed and let his head fall on Elton's shoulder. He carried him up to his new room kicking the door open then kicking it back closed.

"Let's get you changed".

Elton sat Colby down on this tall kinda long table. He was confused because he couldn't reach the floor, he was scared if he jumped down he would sir break something. So he just kicked his feet waiting and watching Elton.
The elder soon came back with a light pink fuzzy footed onesie (try saying that 5 times fast).
Colby eyes the onesie watching as Elton began taking off his shoes then his stockings. They hadn't even put pants on him so he was t worried about that.
He looked at Colby and physically put Colbys hands up in the air, holding them there until Colby willingly held them there.

The younger whimpered when Elton easily slid the fabric off of him. He moved his hands a bit towards his stomach and closed his legs, seeing he was wearing panties and was embarrassed.

Elton moved to gently lift Colbys chin up to face him, "there's no need to be shy kitten. Your going to be getting a lot of attention, worse than this so you best get use to it".

Elton let him go and proceeded to put the footed onesie on starting with the brunettes feet.
Once on Elton buttoned the one button that would clip over the zipper to keep both in place. He then picked the younger up carrying him to bed. Elton moves the covers and laid him down right before hearing a knock on the door. Elton rucked Colby in then looked up to see Brennen walking to him, he held out his hand and put something in it. He shared a glance at Colby then disappeared. Elton looked in his hand to see a pacifier.

(The pacifier^^)

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(The pacifier^^)

Elton chuckled and sat at the edge of the bed. Colby, feeler with curiosity, only wondered what was so important.

"Open up," Elton demanded.

His voice totally different this time, it was a dom voice. Which Colby was indeed familiar with. Colby slowly opened his mouth agape as Elton softly pushed the paci past his lips.
Colby shocked quickly sat up spitting it out.

"Cole Brock put it the fuck back in," Elton stood up.

Colby shook his head fear very visible in his eyes. He watched as Elton clenched his fists letting out a huff. He then walked out of the room slamming the door behind behind him.

Colby's head tilted to the side as he wandered why he didn't punish him or at least yell at him out of anger. Colby's whole body trembled as he tried to calm himself down by counting in his head. He laid back down and stared at his ceiling just now noticing the plastic neon glow in the dark stars on his ceiling.

All he could thank about was how much trouble he was about to be in.

Hey I hope you guys like this story so far, I honestly have no clue where I'm going with it😂

But if y'all want you can leave ideas for this book in the comments!

It would help a lot :))

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