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Vida and Chubs argue while trying to put up the tent. He won't let me call him Chubs to his face but it's a good nickname.

This is a good spot, the only downside being how cold it is. It's secluded and easily defendable.

I can feel the cold but the fire within me keeps me personally warm, so I don't have to worry about it. The others not so much. They're all practically freezing.

Jude helps me build a fire and by helps I mean he gathers sticks for me so I can light them up. Liam waits in the car, his lungs still recovering, the cold won't be any better for him.

After Vida and Chubs finally get the tent up Jude returns with the last of the wood I'll need for the fire.

As I'm about to light up the wood Chubs butts in. "Can you hurry up? At this rate, we're all gonna get hypothermia,"

I turn slowly and look at him. "If you open your mouth one more time your personal match will walk right out of this camp and you'll all freeze,"

I snap my fingers while staring at him and toss the fire into the pile of wood. Then, using my hands, I stroke it, making the fire larger and hotter.

Everyone huddles around it. Chubs and Vida put Ruby in the tent after he finished stitching her up, making sure she stays warm in there.

"Ok. From our rations, what does everyone want to eat?" Chubs asks, looking though our pile of daily rations from the hangar.

"I'll take the Korean protein bar," I say. Chubs tosses it to me.

"Give me the French trail mix," Vida requests, grabbing the pack.

"Chinese fig bar, please and thank you," Jude asks nicely and is handed the food from Chubs.

"Liam?" The boy is looking toward the tent.

"Oh. Whatever is fine. Are you sure she won't get sick from not being near the fire?" Liam asks worriedly, taking a ration from Chubs.

"Liam, she'll be fine for a few hours. I promise, just eat," Chubs encourages.

Vida's arm brushes past mine and she looks at me incredulously.

"What?" I ask, taking a bite of my protein bar.

"How are you warm right now?" She says in disbelief, sticking one of her hands onto my arm.

"Red. Mega freak? Never cold?" I say and she shakes her head.

"You come here then. I have officially anointed you as my personal furnace," Vida states, opening her arms.

I laugh and lay my back against her chest, taking another bite of my protein bar. Vida sighs as she feels the warmth I'm emitting.

Trying to be cheeky, I heat myself up, letting the fire from my core spill over, causing my body to be even warmer than before.

We sit in silence around the campfire, all eating away at our rations and relaxing. But I notice Liam is still looking in the direction of the tent every couple minutes. Ugh, why am I a nice person?

The Darkest Minds - "I'm a red,"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora