Reader x Taichi

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Hello everyone! I'm back! :) Sorry it's been a while, was just to lazy to write stories. I haven't really had any fun writing 3rd person stories (Izumi x Character) so I decided to write an Reader x Character! Please tell me if you guys like the reader x character, I had fun writing this one! I won't stop writing Izumi x Character, please message me or comment in this story if you like this new kind of stuff! I want to write stories that you all enjoy :) Now ONWARD TO DA STORY
OH ALSO! I'm now accepting requests! If anyone had a request they have for someone then message me and I'll try my best to do it (it has to be someone I didn't do yet though for a oneshot)

Y/N ~ Your Name

Beep beep beep beep

You woke up hearing the irritating sounds coming from the alarm, telling you to wake up. You shuffle around in bed, groaning as the irritating sounds of the alarm keeps ringing.

You face the alarm and slowly got up, turning off the sounds. "Stupid alarm" you mumble as you walk to the bathroom getting ready for school. I mean, who likes waking up in the morning hearing the same ringing every morning? Definitely not you. Luckily it was a Friday which meant that you didn't had to hear that demon of a bell waking you up tomorrow.

You put on your uniform, a white t-shirt with a dark green jacket, and a grey skirt. You hated wearing skirts, you were always a pants lover, not a skirt lover, but you had to deal with it ever since you moved to Japan.

After changing, you go grab your backpack and head off to the kitchen, where you see your mom making you toast. "Good morning Y/N!" Your mother happily speaks out. "Morning.." You grown, grabbing a piece of toast and stuffing it into your mouth. You thank your mother for the breakfast and walk out of the house.

Your eyes meeting the bright morning sun causing your eyes to stare down on the ground. You hated walking to school, you always begged your mom last year to drive you to school, but since you're in your room drawing all day and getting no exercise, your mother forced you to walk to school, except of course, if it's raining or snowing.

You walk by a skate park, turning your head to the right while walking forward watching all the skaters going up and down the ramp, doing a bunch of amazing tricks. Someday I'll be one of them you thought to yourself.

A few minutes later you reach the entrance of your school, Ouka High. It wasn't really a bad school, just the people their sucked.

Walking inside with the crowd you manage to get in your home room in time. As you entered, you see a bright pink hair girl with a huge smile on her face waving to you. You walk up to her and she gives you a hug, which you happily hug back. "How's my bestie doing?" She asks.

You take a seat next to her, placing your bag down and folding your arms. "N-nothing much." You respond lazily. Your best friend stares at you for a moment until she breaks the silence. "Aw come on, where's my happy Y/N at?" "Tired" you reply groaning, then putting your head down on your arms. "Yau, wake me up when the teacher enters.." You quietly whisper.

You then hear your best friend giggle a bit. "Alright Y/N." You then close your eyes, listening to the conversations your other classmates are having, you thought to yourself, Hmm, maybe I can sleep in these conditions. You feel a smile creeping up on your face as you daydream about you sleeping in your other classes. (Don't ask)

Didn't took long enough for the quiet chattering throughout your class to explode as someone enters. You open your eyes hearing a bunch of chattering.

"I got tickets to your show Taichi!"
"Hey man, I look forward seeing the play!"
"I got tickets to see in the first row!"

Blah blah blah blah.

A3! ~ oneshots!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora