"If I be must be the voice of reason..." C-3PO spoke up. "Admiral Holdo will never agree to this plan."

"Yeah, you're right, 3PO. It's a need-to-know plan," Poe turned back to me and I met his gaze with a smile and a confident nod.

"And she doesn't," Tash said as she came to stand beside me, bumping her hip with mine.

The gold droid held up one of his metallic hands. "That was not exactly-"

Poe's eyes lit up as he came over to join us at the projection table. "All right... You guys shut down that tracker. I'll be here to jump us to lightspeed."

I smiled to myself, loving Poe's uncanny ability to make anything sound simple. I hated to be the realist here, but there was one problem. "The problem is," I said as I turned to look at the other pair. "How do we get the two of you onto Snoke's destroyer?"

Rose didn't hesitate. "We'll disable codes."

Finn shook his head and leaned on the table. "No, they are Bio-Hexaencripted. We can't get past security shields undetected. Nobody can." I looked to Poe and could tell the gears in his head were turning. He pointed at Finn.


The call with the small woman was extremely hectic, but apparently that's the norm with her. And now we apparently had to send Finn and Rose to Canto Bright for a master code-breaker.

Poe and I had agreed to fill Lieutenant Connix on our plan since we would need her help sending them out in a transport ship undetected. The pilot was still sneaking around the bridge to make sure our plan worked on that end. I got Rose and Finn into their transport, running a quick diagnostic with Rose.

"Everything looks good to go." I closed the circuit panel, turning to Finn. "You guys are sure about all of this?"

Finn nodded. "We got it."

I looked over at Rose who was in the pilot's seat. I was surprised the girl knew how to fly, but she assured me that she would be able to man the ship. Her confidence reminded me of myself at her age so I wasn't going to question her. If she believed she could do it, I believed her too.

"Alright, Connix should be at post to make sure you can get out." BB-8 rolled up to me, hitting me in the shin lightly. I bent down and kissed his domed head. "Be safe, okay?" I laughed at the droid, standing to go to the hatch. "I'll do my best to keep him out of trouble, but you know what a task that is BB-8."

I looked at all three of the rebels before climbing down the hatch. I heard the transport start up as I walked back towards the main section of the ship. As the doors slid shut behind me I heard them take off. "Please let them stay safe," I whispered under my breath, trying to squash down the worried feeling in my chest.

I ran into Poe as he came back from the bridge. His eyes were bright with success, and I knew that FInn, Rose and BB-8 had made it out of our ship. We embraced in the middle of the hall, not really caring who was around us at the moment. Poe cupped my face and rested his forehead against mine with his eyes closed.

"One step closer," he whispered.

I went to reply, but the sound of my name being called made me pull away from the pilot and look around him. One of the support staff members was awkwardly standing there fidgeting with her hands.

"Dr. Dreis, Admiral Holdo has requested your presence at the bridge as soon as possible.." I looked at Poe who simply shrugged.

I stepped around him, walking towards the girl.  "Do you know what it's regarding?"

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