Rainy Days

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A/N: I'm sorry I'm trash and this is trash but I had to post it. Just a series of one shots and vignettes of the Demonbirbs attending GA for an undercover mission. This is meant to focus on their relationship aspect so I probably won't go full detail on the mission but yeah maybe it'll have a plot eventually but right now it's just whatever I want to write. Without further ado, here it is! Please enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters and I don't make money off of this ya-dee-dah just doing this for sheer fun


To her, he was Robin, Son of the Batman, the insufferable brat, and the infinite headache to the Teen Titans.

To them, he was the Prince of Gotham, son of Bruce Wayne, and overall the most popular and smartest and hottest guy in the senior class of Gotham Academy – if not all of Gotham Academy.

Most of all, to everyone – her included – he was Damian Wayne.

Her friend.

"Did you not bring an umbrella to school today?" he asked as he leaned against the locker beside her and shook the umbrella at his feet to dry it off.

Raven secretly cursed at how comfortable he looked leaning against that locker, bundled up in Gotham Academy's fall uniform and without a single drop of rain on him. With each tap-tap of the umbrella colliding against the smooth stone floor she became more and more frustrated at herself for forgetting such a simple but necessary thing.

She sighed heavily, rolling her eyes in her mind. People were already staring at her because the "great" Damian Wayne was talking to her. She didn't need people to realize she was sopping wet, too.

"Does it look like it?" she replied sarcastically as she struggled to free a soaked textbook from the depths of her messenger bag that was proving to be Narnia at the moment. Or maybe one of those hidden monsters from horror movies that snuck up on little girls and grabbed their feet and refused to let them go, dragging them to the depths of hell. She hated to admit it but the monster was winning.

Great, she was doing just utterly fantastic at making herself appear completely normal and not soaked to the bone in Gotham city's wonderful rain water. Not to mention the building was freezing and her sopping wet clothes made it all the more worse to the point where she was visibly shivering. That, plus Damian's presence next to her, plus the people that began to stare at her because of it equalled a Raven that just wanted to bury herself in her comforting sheets back in her room. Preferably with dryclothes. And perhaps a cup of chamomile tea to soothe the fraying of her nerves.

She brushed a chunk wet hair out of her face, sputtering as it got caught in her mouth.

To her further dismay, it caused a vibration to emerge from Damian's throat.

She looked daggers at him as he shrugged and ran a hand through his fortunately dry hair.

"Don't laugh at me, jerk," she spat, squeezing some water out of her skirt. "I'm like a goddamn sponge."

"Don't worry, it's cute," he chuckled.

"Sure," she mumbled, hiding a blush with a curtain of hair as she attempted once again to free her textbook.

He laughed again as her hand slipped and whacked her right in the face. This time she groaned and cursed and was about to give up until Damian quickly stepped beside her and reached into her bag.

"H-Hey!" she called.

She caught a whiff of his hair gel as he leaned over her and his body was far warmer than the clammy clothing that was clinging onto her skin like soggy glue. For a few odd moments she found herself relishing in his scent and warmness until he shoved the textbook in her face with a valiant and lopsided grin.

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