CHAPTER TWELVE: Match in the Training Grounds

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"Ah..." He pulled the knife from his thigh, letting a bit of blood drip from the wound.

"Careful, Kazuki." Hanako's calm voice spoke again. The sky got dark and started to thunder.

"A storm?" Kazuki looked up. Around him started to fall raindrops that nailed on the ground. He suddenly widened his eyes. 'That's not water,' he thought. 'Needles?!'

From the sky started to rain hundreds of fine silver needles with the same force of the raindrops. Kazuki covered himself trying not to think of what was coming, but his mind couldn't stop thinking about the upcoming needles. A second later, his agonizing screams could be heard throughout the woods.

"Kazuki." He heard Hanako's voice again, this time more demanding. "Wake up." He opened his eyes to find Hanako's black orbs looking intently at him. He was on the ground on a fetal position as if covering himself from something. The girl was kneeling beside him with a regretful look; Takeshi was standing beside her, looking down at him worriedly.

"Your screams really scared the shit out of me, bro." He sighed. "I thought that something had really happened to you."

"What?" The black haired boy looked at himself and noticed that he didn't have a single scratch on him. "What happened?" he asked totally confused.

"I caught you in a Genjutsu," Hanako said. "I'm sorry, I think I overdid it a bit." She looked away.


"From the moment you looked into my Sharingan." She stood up, helping him up as well. He looked at her surprised.

"I had no idea that you could cast an illusion like that. So...real." He shivered. "But the needle rain was really cruel!" he claimed making Hanako chuckle.

Hanako suddenly felt a presence and her muscles tensed. He grin was wiped off her face.

"What's wrong, Hanako?" Takeshi asked when he noticed her strange behavior.

"We're being watched," she said in a whisper while she turned to look back at the trees behind them. "Come out," she called to the air. "Stop hiding, I know you're there."

Three people, all near their age, came out walking confidently. All of their headbands identified them as Konoha Shinobi.

"Look who we've got here." A boy with blond hair spoke. "Hanako Uchiha and her minions," he said now looking at Hanako, who narrowed her eyes glaring at the three.

"Kaichi Kazeyama?" Kazuki inquired suspiciously. "What are you doing here?"

This time, a boy with blue hair replied. "We were just training close by when we heard screaming. We ran here to see what had happened, but found out that it was just you guys playing ninja." It was Ren Sonoda, Kaichi's teammate.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Hanako raised an eyebrow, looking at them. "What makes you think you can talk to us so casually?"

"Wow, just because you were from class 1-1 you believe yourselves better than us?" Kaichi interjected, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Hanako rolled her eyes. "We graduated three years ago, how am I supposed to remember that? I ask you because I honestly don't know who you are."

"You hurt my feelings Hanako," Kaichi shook his head. "We played ball together on our first day in the Academy, remember? Izumi brought you to the group; you were in my team!"

Hanako only stared at him. "Number two?" she suddenly asked.

Kaichi grew serious. "That's what you remember?" Hanako smirked and shrugged.

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