Backstage Fumble

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I plodded down the corridor, not paying much attention, just on my phone, when I bumped into someone. We banged heads.

"Oh,  shit, I'm so sorry!" she said immediately. I looked up, holding my head, to see a gorgeous girl right in front of my eyes. She gasped when she realised who I was.

"Don't worry babe, it's fine, I should have been looking where I was going. Are you okay?" I asked, rubbing her arm.

"I'm fine, are you okay? Oh fuck, I'm so sorry, is there anything I can get you?" she panicked.

"Babe, calm down, I'm fine! Like I said, it was my fault!" I chuckled. She smiled. I looked down at her name badge..

"So.. Samantha, is it?" I asked.

"Oh, call me Sammy" she grinned.

"I'm Aston" I said, holding out my hand.

"I know who you are" she giggled. Her smile soon changed. "Oh, shit, you're bleeding!" she gasped. She reached up to my head, but didn't touch me.

"What?" I asked. I placed my hand to my head to feel blood slowly trickling down my face.

"Come with me" she said, ushering me down the corridor. I followed her, going a bit lightheaded on the way.

We eventually reached a small white room. She sat me down and locked the door.

"Okay, let me have a look at that.." she said, coming closer with a damp cloth which she had retrieved off the side. She dabbed at my head, making me flinch.

"Sorry" she sighed, looking at me apologetically.

"Don't worry about it, beautiful" I smiled, looking into her eyes confidently. She blushed, and looked down at the floor, before getting back to work with my cut.

I was sat with a bag of ice on my head, to try and stop it bruising too much. Sammy was still constantly apologising to me, but I just wanted to sit and  enjoy my time with her. She truly was gorgeous.

"Sammy, just shut up!" I laughed at her as she apologised again.

"Sorry" she said quietly, looking down at her feet as she sat next to me.

"And there you go again! Babe, you have nothing to be sorry for" I smiled.

"Are you being serious?" she asked, raising her eyebrows as she pointed to my cut.

"It's fine, there's no need to fuss!" I chuckled.

"Whatever" she smiled.  I reached out and grabbed her hand from her lap.

"Hey, I'm serious" I said quietly, staring into her eyes. We slowly leaned closer, and just like that, our lips were connected in a passionate kiss.

I placed the bag of ice on the side and leaned over her, our lips never parting. Her hands rested on my pecs with her thumbs gently stroking my skin through my top. I began kissing down her neck, causing a moan to escape her lips. She removed her hand from my chest and placed her arms around my neck, her elegant fingers gently stroking and accidentally tickling the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

I brought my lips back up to hers and kissed her once more, before pulling away slightly, just to stare into her eyes again. I was about to lean back in, but she placed her finger to my lips to stop me.

"Lock the door" she whispered. I jumped up straight away and locked it firmly shut. I returned back to the sofa, but she was stood up. She grabbed the collar of my shirt and pushed me down. WOAH, she'd changed in these last few moments. She straddled me on the sofa, and kissed me again. She began unbuttoning my shirt, and then stripped in from my shoulders. She stroked her hands up and down my chest. I did the same to her, so we were both left shirtless.

Once both our jeans were removed, we were left in our underwear. She was still straddling me, but I wanted to be the dominant one in this. After I'd unclasped her bra, I flipped her so she was lying down. I pulled down my boxers before leaning over her and removing her knickers. I looked at her for a nod of approval, to make sure she still wanted to do this. Her instantaneous nod made me grin. I leaned closer to her, so our chests were pressed together, and thrust myself into her, making her whimper. And that is how it began.

hey guys! sorry i haven't posted for a while.. it must have been at least a week :/ i've had writers block i guess. i had no ideas. i only have TWO MORE one shots to do (unless anyone else asks) and then i'll start writing my next PROPER story :) this one shot is dedicaed to @vCrazyForYouJLS, i hope everyone enjoed it! please vote for this story, and ask me if you'd like your own one shot! :) thanks for reading!

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