Lovely (BruAbba)

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BruAbba week day 3 music/ dancing/ future

Tracking down the boss was stressful. Fugo was no longer with them and it felt like they could barely move without being attacked by yet another enemy stand user.

Abbacchio could see the stress and worry radiating from Bruno, despite the brave man trying his hardest to hide it. He knew Bruno was wondering if he had done the right thing.

It didn't matter much though, it was already too late to go back.

Slowly, Abbacchio stood from his seat next to Bruno and walked over to an old record player in the corner. He looked through a few vinyls before placing one on.

Soon, the slow rythm of Miles Davis's trumpet began to fill the room.

"Leone, what are you doing?"

"Come here."

Abbacchio stood in the middle of the room, holding his hand out towards Bruno. He watched as the love of his life stood, a look of confusion crossing his beautiful face.

He pulled Bruno close to his chest, placing a hand on the shorter man's hip while his other hand held Bruno's hand. Leone didn't say anything about how cold Bruno felt lately.

"I want to dance, Bruno."

Abbacchio watched an amused smile overtake his lover's features, making a faint smile appear on his own face.

"I thought you didn't like dancing, Mr. Grumpy Abbacchio."

He held Bruno, slowly dancing with him. "I don't, but I like you Mr. Beautiful Bucciarati." He kissed the top of the kind man's hair, relaxing when Bruno put his head on his chest.

"I... I feel like I did the wrong thing, Leone. Letting all of you come with me to betray the boss.. We all could die, you guys deserve so much more."

"I meant what I said when I got in the boat."


Leone held Bruno a bit closer, intertwining their fingers as they slowly moved with each other to the music. "The only time I feel at ease is when I'm with you. God, I love you so much. I'd follow you to the very ends of the earth."

He watched Bruno look up at him, bright blue eyes shining with unshed tears. "We're going to be okay, Bruno. We'll all make it through this and defeat the boss."

"Leone, you don't know that.."

"Shh..we'll be okay. Bruno... When all of this is over, I want to get married. I want us to get married and retire to that little house you have in Naples." He brought his lover's hand up to his lips, placing a gentle kiss to the back of it. "We'll spend the rest of our lives together, happy and away from all of this shit."

Leone watched Bruno place his head back against his chest, letting out a shaky sigh. "I love you, Leone. I..I'd like that. Marrying you and retiring."

"Tomorrow we'll be in Sardegna, a step closer to the boss's identity. I promise... Everything is going to be okay, Bruno." He placed a gentle kiss to his sweetheart's head, rocking him lightly.

He felt Bruno relax into him, calming down a bit. As the two of them held each other, Abbacchio heard Bruno mumble one more sentence.

"Our home in Naples."

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