Chapter 8 : Herrscher?

Start from the beginning


Outside, at Kiana's room, she's readying her weapons, checking out her battlesuit.

And the door opens.

"Hm? Mei?" - She ask, and not even looking at the figure just walks in.

Suddenly, some sort of liquid got injected into her body, through a needle on her neck.

She slowly turning back, and she's losing her mind.

"... You're..."

"Sorry. Miss Kiana." - It's Rita, which a small device on her neck.


"Hail Hydra."

Kiana passed out, then Rita slowly left the room, and when she got out the hallway, she met Durandal, holding a lance.



".. You're being controlling..." - Durandal looks to the device on her neck, it's like a chip.

Rita slowly walking towards Durandal, and Durandal point her lance at Rita, she stopped.



"How did you get on Hyperion."

"That's not important anymore, Durandal." - Otto's voice appears through the device on her neck.


"Hmph, my plan is complete."

In a blink of an eye, Durandal disappear, she takes the device out of Rita, then Rita passed out, she catches Rita, and looking at the device.

"Otto... What did you do?"

"I said, my plan is complete. Now not only you, or Hyperion, but Anti-Entropy will fall."

Otto said, then the device is getting hotter, Durandal have a bad feeling about it, so she throws it away, and it explodes.

You also heard it.

"... Stay in this room, lock the door, do not open it. No matter what, Anik." - You said, then open the door, and going out.

And Anik just locked the door, sitting in the corner, hoping you'll be back with her soon.

And away from Hyperion, 20 kilometers. An aircraft from Anti-Entropy is approaching.

"Okay, we're going to contact him." - Welt said, then he pick up a phone.

Back to Hyperion.

"What happened?" - You came, just to see some smokes in the hallway, with Durandal and Rita on her hands. "..." - You're in guard mode.

"No, Y/n, she's safe, she was controlled by Otto."

"I see... But how did she get on Hyperion."

"I don't know either... But Otto... He said the plan is complete... What plan..."

"... Durandal, get Rita to somewhere else safe, and gather everyone there, tell Ai-chan to ready the Quinjet."


"I suddenly have a bad feeling about this..." - You said, then heads to Kiana's room, knocking on her door. "Kiana, enemy just got onto Hyperion, are you okay inside there?"

You didn't hear anything inside.

"... Kiana?"

And a light appears inside the room, you takes out a blade, but before you can do anything else, the room was exploded from inside, you got send flying back against a wall.

What's Wrong With You? (Male Reader X a random Zombie in Honkai Impact 3)Where stories live. Discover now