Unwelcome Visitors

Start from the beginning

"Good morning Uncle Scrooge," Huey chirped, chipper as ever.

"Ah, Good morning kids. Where are ye headed?" He asked.

"Huey's coming to work with me today. I've got a double shift and everything, so..." I responded.

"Ah, I see... Do ye want a ride?"

I looked at Huey and he looked at me, and we both shrugged.

"Sure, why not."

"And it saves on bus fare," Huey added. I nodded.

We got in the limo with Scrooge and I gave Launchpad the address. I buckled up and Huey did the same.

"So where are you headed, Mr. McDuck?" I asked.

"I'm headed to my office downtown before heading home for a bit and then going to the money bin around 2," He responded. "Ye really dinnae have to call me that."

"Just a formality. Sounds like you have a busy day," I commented. He nodded. He picked up his newspaper and started reading, and so I left him to do that. He didn't like to be disturbed, and I hated to be a bother.

Launchpad slammed on the brakes in front of the cafe, and I felt the air get knocked out of me from the seatbelt. Of course, Scrooge fell on the floor. This is why we wear seatbelts. Safety first. Huey would agree.

Huey and I unbuckled, and headed out of the car. I finished getting my stuff and closed the door. I hesitated before saying goodbye.

"Bye.. Uncle Scrooge, bye Launchpad! Thanks for the ride! Have a good day at work!" We waved, and Launchpad sped off, heading towards downtown Duckburg. I checked my watch. 7:25. Perfect. I took out my key to the café, heading into the side door.

"Hey Bianca! I'm here!" I shouted into the cafe.

"It's about time!" she responded. I rolled my eyes. I wasn't due until 8am and she knows it.

I brought Huey out to the front of the café and got him set up at a table. Sure, he was here for a badge and everything, but he also had extra credit work he wanted to get a headstart on. And we definitely wouldn't be able to get any of his badge work done with the morning rush. Besides, Huey craved knowledge, and it was no surprise that he was overachieving in school. I sat my stuff next to him for when I went on break later. Hopefully I could catch up on school work during my break, as well.

"Ah, what's this? I think you have a stowaway, Mari," Bianca teased.

I lightly laughed. "Huey's gonna be here with me till closing," I explained, "He actually volunteered. He's with the Junior Woodchucks program. There's some sort of barista badge that he wants to get," I paused, "If that's okay with you," I added.

Bianca nodded. "Ah, that sounds great. Luckily for you, once you've completed your requirements for the badge, I can just sign off on your forms and add your volunteer time on it as well."

Huey smiled at her. "Thank you so much."

Bianca only nodded before headed into the back of the café.

I gave Huey a kiss on the forehead. "I'm gonna go ahead and start setting up the café and clock in. I'll be here if you need me, just let me know."

"I'll be fine, Marina. Thanks for letting me come with you."

I smiled at him before getting started on setting up the café. It was going to be a long day, but it made me feel better knowing I had Huey with me.


It was barely 11am, and I was burnt out. Another customer screamed at me about the price of her soy milk vanilla latte, because she didn't read the sign that said soy milk was extra. I tried to explain to her that all substitutions are extra, and that she couldn't "return" a half-drank latte. So she asked to speak to my manager. I let Bianca handle it, letting her know I was taking my 5-minute-break. Legally required, anyone under 18 years old has to take a 5 minute break every two hours. Thank the gods.

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