Nu: The doctor will be with you shortly as some of the wounds look like they need to be seen to by a doctor. Right I just need a few details from you. Name?

y/n: Josh Richards

Nu: thank you

The nurse continues to ask questions and then finally asked how he got into this state. the question you wanted to ask as well but also it wasn't your place. Josh's face turns away from you slightly when the nurse asked and you notice a tear start to role down his face. This was the first time you had seen Josh cry. It pained you a lot more to see this than you would have hoped.

JR: This is y/n. I got a text from Chase last night saying he wanted to talk to me about why he had helped Nessa get the sex tape of your brother and Addison. I wasn't going for Nessa or chase for that matter but I wanted to be able to tell Bryce why they had done it. He asked me to meet behind this café and I went after I had tucked you up in bed. When I arrived Chase was already there and he was alone. Or I thought he was, or maybe he was at the time.

The nurse was still standing there, a little shocked about what Josh was saying. You heart was pounding and you felt so incredibly hurt.

JR: He started telling me why he had done it. Apparently Nessa wanted me back and she wanted you out of the picture.

Josh now turned his face to look at you. Oh those perfect blue eyes were filled with the ocean and now they were pouring down his face.

JR: Nessa was willing to get Bryce ruined and publicly shamed so he would have to leave the sway house and take you with him so she could have me all to herself and if it hurt Addison too, the so be it.

Josh reached for your hand and you held his, tight.

JR: I still didn't understand why Chase was involved and then it came out that it was Charli had broken up with him and it was an easy way to get to her, through you and also Nessa slept with him. But y/n theres something else. I thought I was alone in this ally.

He took a long pause.

JR: when Chase asked me to meet him he told me to bring you too. So when I went you to your room last night it was to tell you that we had to go and see Chase, but you were already in deep sleep and you looked at peace and I didn't want to wake you. After I had been speaking to him for some time these massive men appeared out of no where and started beating the shit out of me and Chase ran. Once I was on the floor and in so so much pain one of them spoke and he said "wait this isn't the girl that Nessa told us to kill, we were never meant to harm the boy. Only the girl". Y/n, Nessa had sent men to kill you.

OMG you couldn't believe what you were hearing. Josh would take a bullet for you and get completely beat up just to keep you safe. You now noticed that you were crying and looking at Josh.

Y/n:; Josh. I am so so sorry. I am so so sorry.

JR: y/n. shhhh its ok I will be fine I just have a few scratches.

Josh looked up at you with an emotion in his eyes you had never seen before.

JR: and I would take the beatings every day if it meant no harm would come to you.

You really couldn't believe what you were hearing. Was Nessa right? Was Josh in love with you? No he surely couldn't be.

Nu: Right. That's not what I was expecting to hear at all. Do you want to press legal charges?

y/n: Josh don't answer anything I'm going to call Bryce and we will wait for him to get here ok?

JR: yes ok we will wait for him.

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