Chapter 4

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"(Y/n), when will you stop crying?" I asked my beloved as she kept hitting my back. Gradually, her hitting proceeded to a stop and just became a string of sobs. We were long gone from the mansion but she wouldn't stop crying. I don't like the way she did that. Why was she crying? Because of Ryujin? Because of Saika? Was it because of that woman, Alice? Or maybe perhaps that pervert Hal? Whoever the reason for her crying was, it irked me. Why wouldn't she just smile at me the way she did when she first saw me? I shrugged the thought and continued towards the gate of the property. As soon as we got to the gates, Ryujin's former servants welcomed us.

"Master, is there anything else that you need?" asked a maid.

I gave an indifferent look and spoke in a stern voice, "No. Just clean the mess I left as planned," I said. That was the only time (y/n) actually quieted down and spoke to me. I love hearing her speak.

"Mas... ter..?" she trailed, she sounded exhausted. With a worried glance, I quickly told them to get the car which they followed. As soon as the car arrived, I ordered them to open the door of the vehicle which they did. I slowly sat (y/n) down on the back seat, eyes studying her whole being as she trembled like a leaf in the harsh autumn breeze. I gently caressed her features with my digits as she bit back the disgust she felt. I already know how she feels about me and I hope to change that.

She looked at me, her eyes, swollen from all her crying. I smiled at her, trying to provide her comfort only to receive rejection as she looked away. I heaved a sigh, whilst lamenting on her cold reaction. I knew she would try to escape but in order to prevent that, I had to threaten her to stop. Leaning forward with her moving back hurt me more than anything but I can't let that stop me. I managed to put her to a stop with my hand behind her head, pushing her forward. Just as soon as I knew she could hear my whisper, I began uttering my threat in a low and menacing voice.

"(Y/n), if you love your legs, you would know to stay still. I'd love for you to be safe while we travel," I said and she turned as pale as freshly fallen snow. I smiled to her again, this time, she tensed up and scooted inside. I think it's cute how she's shaken by my little threat and she should be. Because she's not a real immortal. I followed her in the car and she scooted to the end of the car. I knew she would try to run away and that is why I had to threaten her again. I don't want to hurt her but if she was going to be a bad girl, I'll have to discipline her properly. Her body language said it all, she was going to run away. A smirk made its way to my lips.

"Oh (y/n), you really are predictable." As I said that, I quickly pulled her away from her side of the car by the collar of her shirt. I could hear her gasp as I tugged her close. She struggled to go but gave in anyway. I don't know if it was out of fear of strangulation or she was just plain tired but I don't really care. She stopped, and that's what matters for me. As she began to behave, I closed the door on my side and told the driver to drive to my new residence. Oh, pardon me. Our new residence.

It was a quiet drive home. Neither she nor I started a conversation because we knew that even if we did, it would just end sooner after it started. After an eternity of silence, (y/n) finally started a conversation. It wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear but it's a start I guess. Her eyes looked away from myself, they were filled with anger, confusion, and loathing. "Are you planning to torture me too?" she asked making me look at her with surprise.

"And what makes you think that?" I asked her with full intention to get to the bottom of her assumption. She fiddled with her fingers as she slowly looked at them. "Aren't you already torturing me?" she said, her voice getting softer and softer after each word that when she uttered the last words, they were but a faint whisper. My eyes might look cold but they aren't always like that. Whenever I look at her, I feel so weak. I feel so warm... and somehow it scared me. That was the reason why I always put on my emotionless stance but she thawed that cold exterior slowly.

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