Chapter 1

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Years ago, I was just a young flourishing orphan child in the continent of Asia. I was floating in the ocean, not a single care in the world. A little side note though, I was five years old when I escaped a very cruel cruise of child traffickers. I could've been the youngest Indiana Jones! ... or was it supposed to be Adelé. Well, whatever.

I was a young kid floating on the ocean, not afraid of anything that would come my way. Well, except for sharks. I was just floating in the vast clear cerulean waters of the Earth, worrying about sharks and gulls pecking on my cheeks giving me bruises which healed just a few hours after infliction. Nothing better would have happened to me. At least not until Ryujin found me. He's my elder brother by the way—or at least, I claim he's my big brother. He took me in and always took care of me, not really caring if I was just another burden on his shoulders.

I have three more elder brothers and an elder sister—two of which, deny me as their sister. Ryujin is the oldest among us. We were all orphans that he took in just as soon as he found us in the middle of nowhere. I don't know much of Ryujin but I do know that he's really rich and he's very dependable in many cases. He seems to be most fond of me and brother Gin (he's the third eldest). Sometimes his clingy-ness becomes so unbearable that you'd want to knock his lights out too, but either way, he's a great brother.

In Ryujin's house – more like orphanage – I met and played with Hal Yukio (second eldest), Gin Yukio (third eldest), Alice Yukio (fourth eldest), Saika Yukio (fifth eldest). It was so much fun and before I knew it, I became part of the family... or... err... group (?). Ryujin would always give us clothes, toys, and food to eat. Basically, he's like our mom. If our mom didn't give birth to us and found us in a ditch somewhere in this planet. He would always watch over us relentlessly without fail which amazed me enough to actually just behave in a corner and observe him.

It was fun but at the end of every rod is a bait and I'm a catch in Ryujin's. We are immortals, he said so too. It wasn't exactly a pretty introduction either since he stabbed himself in front of me and came back to life again. According to my kind-of-dim-witted-self-proclaimed brother, the very moment he saw me, he knew I was like them only younger. A lot younger. It may be rather vague but, every once in a while, an immortal child is born into the world. He said that we are born having terrible luck.

He said that it is to balance out the blessings. We are just part of a clockwork which will never stop, and none can and will break. We're kind of like the Libras... I guess (?) We were all born with horrible luck in exchange for immortality. I don't hate being immortal but I don't like it in the same time. You know blessings can be curses too. It's like getting a free ride on a train! Except the train never stops at your final stop and it only keeps moving forward. FOREVER.

In my case, I was born onto this world with a normal mortal brother who was seven years older than me. I've been beaten up by my brother for as long as I can remember. He hated me because I was stealing the attention of our parents. It's not like I did it on purpose though. I mean, I was young and I needed caring for. Well, long story short, he sold me to the child traffickers. Don't get me wrong, we weren't poor, we were actually in the middle class society. Surprisingly, he knew people who could and would buy me. That's like, unusual knowledge to 12 year olds. I don't even remember the last names of my past tutors, how could he know bad guys? Moving on~

Ryujin had to live alone and inherit his clan's wealth because all his relatives died and he was the only survivor. He was fifteen then. Now he's... I don't know how old but I know he's old. He's ancient. But he still looks like an eighteen year old girl—I mean boy. I honestly don't know much about him actually...

Forever Yours (Yandere boys x Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora