Life At Hogwarts

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Rai had denounced the name of Potter. The had no last name but they didn't care. Kacey helped them Apparate to King's Cross. She handed out the two's tickets and watched them disappear, past the barrier. She wished them good luck mentally before leaving. 

Rai and Hermione watched the scarlet train pull in. The two sighed and walked onto the train. They went to the very back and sat down. Rai looked at Hermione and raised an eyebrow. 

"We could be... The Storm?" Rai nodded in agreement before passing her, her favourite book. Hermione smiled gratefully as Rai started to do her hair. Rai took out his book and began reading quietly. The train started moving and three children opened the door. 

"Who are you? I own a quarter of this school you know?" The girl screamed. 

"We're just peasants. Go and, hit us. we're used to it." Hermione said coldly. 

"I'm the Girl-Who-Lived! Treat me with respect!" Rai's eyes widened and soon, Evelyn was choking. This prat was Evelyn Lily Potter. The so-called Saviour of the Wizarding World. Rai loathed her with every fibre they owned. 

"Let her go!" The brown-skinned girl said. Rai laughed psychotically. 

"She ruined my life! Go on! Harass me! Just know that your world is coming to an end soon!"

"Leave her alone you psycho boy!" The redhead said. Rai dropped her and waited. They felt the curses hit them. They shrugged, slammed the door on their faces and sighed. Hermione shrugged and continued reading her book. This was a normal life. The Prefect came in and the two gave their tickets and continued reading.

"Rai, what is under your eyepatch?"

"Nothing to worry your silly head about. " Hermione frowned slightly before brushing it off. 

The two arrived and waited for the Sorting to begin. Finally, the last student going by the name Blaise Zabini went to the Slytherin table.

"Hermione?" The hall started to snicker. Everybody had a last name! The hat sorted her into Slytherin.

"Rai?" The snickers got louder. They were sorted into Slytherin so they sat next to Hermione. The Prefects lead them into the dungeons. A giant squid passed by through a window. The Prefect gave a rather boring speech. Professor Snape required Hermione and Rai in his office. 

"You two will not disgrace the name of Slytherin." He shouted.

"Is that supposed to mean something. Houses aren't supposed to have reputations. We'll disgrace you but we won't disgrace the name of Salazar." Hermione said coldly.

"I do hope there are some bullies here. I can do with some pain. You?" Harry asked. The two left the office about ideas of how to torture. Snape was dumbfounded. What just happened?

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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