How Far We've Come

Start from the beginning

Another breeze came and I was sure I would freeze. Before I could turn around back into the house, I felt warmth press up behind me. Viktor's familiar scent filled my nostrils, a mix of freshly carved wood and old spice. His large hands, calloused from lifting weights, covered mine that rested on my belly.

"You okay?" He asked. His accented voice gruff with sleep.

"Mhm. Just hot," I didn't want to tell him that our kid was throwing a party in my uterus. Viktor was prone to worrying and would most likely escalate Roman's professional tap dancing to me going into labor. I loved that he was so caring, but this man was really good at it. He drove me bonkers while I was recovering from my gunshot wounds a few years ago. I couldn't do anything without him asking if I needed help. Thankfully, he was more relaxed during my pregnancy, but there were still times where I wanted to scream to him that I was fine. Like that would help anything. This fool had the thickest skull on the planet.

We stood there and just stared at the dimly lit garden. It was a surprise from Viktor to me after I'd finished my physical therapy and could finally fucking bathe myself without aid. It consisted of many fresh vegetables and herbs grown straight from seed that I used in our food.

"You have something on your mind. I can tell, " Viktor mumbled into my hair.

"Only good things, " I reassured him. "I'm so grateful that I'm here today with my husband and son. I just...didn't expect to reach this point in my life. With everything that happened these past few years, I thought I'd be in prison, a mental hospital, or..." I drifted off, refusing to finish my sentence.

"You are so strong, my love. You have been through so much and I couldn't be prouder of you for how far you've come. I am so blessed to be married to you, Amari. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Viktor, " I turned my head up as he leaned down so our lips could meet. It was a short kiss, but I still shuddered when we separated.

"He's restless," Viktor chuckled into my neck. His warm breath touched my chilled skin and quickly vanished, much to my dismay. I voluntarily tilted my head to give him better access to my skin. His hands moved off of mine to gently lift my tank top. Roman's kicks slowly shifting from my side to his father's large, warm hands.

"It's your fault. He could have been normal like his mother, but no. He just had to take after his hyperactive daddy."

He released a small laugh into my neck before gently wiggling his fingers into my sides, tickling me. I squirmed away from his warm body and caught his hands before glaring at him. He knew how much I hated being tickled.

"I am glad. It is about time we added another sane person to this household. I'm outnumbered."

My eyes narrowed "Excuse me? I'm sane!"

"I made you a sandwich with just avocados, tomatoes, and mustard on it. You, my love, are not sane."

"Y-You ate the last of the lunch meat! What was I supposed to do? Starve?" I shouted at him as he quickly turned on his heel and sprinted back into the house. Before my pregnancy, I often found myself chasing Viktor throughout the house, ready to hit him with whatever was in my hand. My phone, the remote, and even whatever utensils I was cooking with; my husband was never safe when he picked with me. All I had to do was give him one nice whack on his white ass and all peace would be restored. But now that I was a fucking whale, I wasn't running after anyone. It was more like pathetically waddling after him, but I'd usually lose all motivation by the time I reached him. Fortunately for me, Viktor's worrying nature did come in handy sometimes. I paused at the end of the hallway and made a show of holding my lower back in pain. Like magic, Viktor was back within my reach.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" He wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on top of my head.

"I will be...once I have some ass."


Before he could finish, I grabbed both of his ass cheeks and squeezed with all my might. I looked up at him with a big grin and he replied with a frown.

"I feel better now," I gave his butt a few satisfying pats and dropped my hands to my sides.

"You have a 10 second head start."

I smiled at him and defiantly crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm not scared of-"

"1, 2, 3..." Viktor counted. I watched as he raised his fingers and wiggled them towards me.

"Don't. You. Dare."

"4, 5, 6..."

Dammit. My resolve broken, I waddled as fast as my legs could take me back into the bedroom. I would have made it safely under the covers if the cheating bastard didn't speed up his counting. Viktor wrapped one arm around my chest and used his free hand to tickle me mercilessly. Laughter and threats escaped me as I tried to shake my husband off to no avail.

"This is what happens when you touch my glorious ass! Say sorry!"

It didn't take me long to admit defeat and apologize through my fit of giggles. "Okay okay! I'm sorry!"

Thankfully, his attack stopped, but I was still a giggling mess draped dramatically on the mattress. Viktor laid beside me and placed his rough hand on my exposed belly. When I first began to show, I was extremely self-conscious. Various stretch marks decorated my stomach, I gained almost 30 pounds, and I became easily exhausted from simple activities. But according to Viktor, I was the sexiest person on the planet. It seemed like every moment of the day I was swatting at his hands that were reaching out for me. Whether it was to place a hand on my stomach while we cuddled, hold my hand as we watched TV, or wrap his arms around me as I cooked, he always found a way to make sure our skin was touching. Eventually, I stopped pushing him away and just let him do what he did best: Love on me. He gave me one heck of a self-esteem boost and honestly, I loved all this attention from him. His excessive worrying will forever drive me crazy, though.

Thankfully, Roman had calmed down and stopped kicking the hell out of my ribs. Usually, when I was wide awake, he barely moved. Just slight shifts whenever I was eating.

"I need a shower," I blurted.

"You smell fine to me."

"That's because you own a gym. You're used to the smell of sweaty people," I chuckled,

"It is 3 in the morning. Just wait until we have to get ready for work."

Before I could protest, Viktor slipped an arm under my shoulders and another behind my knees to lift me back into my spot in our king-sized bed. My body immediately relaxed and my eyelids became heavy. I felt my husband grab my chin and gently move my face from side to side.

"You are so tired."

"Mhmm," I absentmindedly agreed, my eyes already shut. His hand found my back and applied a heavenly amount of pressure. Massages had become my kryptonite and Viktor knew that he could get me to agree to almost anything if he just kneaded out that one tight muscle. Soon I was fast asleep, tucked closely to the love of my life.

Hello everyone! Told y'all I wasn't dead! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of the sequel to Too Nice titled Too Much.

Unfortunately, I do not have an official release date for this book as I am writing/currently focusing on another book. I have about 10 chapters done of that one but I will not be publishing it until it is COMPLETELY DONE. None of that messy "Post a chapter, skip two weeks," foolishness that I did with my first book. I intend to grow as an author and not rushed, carefully constructed chapters are a step in the right direction. If you have any questions, feel free to comment or DM me.

Enjoy and Happy Juneteenth!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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