He quickly recovers from that slightly embarrassing statement and heads outside to the car park. After Harry spots his car, he unlocks the trunk and places the few bags of groceries inside, hurrying to get into the car.

On the drive back to his apartment he begins to think about the cashier and hopes to see him again soon.

[ x ]

The next day, Harry begins to cook himself dinner in his lone apartment. He grabbed all the necessary ingredients to make chicken alfredo but as he searched through his cabinets for the noodles that he thought he owned prior to his shopping trip yesterday, he was sadly mistaken when he realized he didn't have any.

He had his heart set on this meal and now he has to make another trip to the market to get those damn noodles. He believes his cooking to be above subpar so he figures it'll be worth it once he retrieves the missing ingredient.

Off to the store again, Harry chuckles at himself in the car for being so forgetful. He then looks around self consciously in case someone else in their vehicle nearby saw him laughing to himself, but luckily all the other drivers in the city aren't paying attention to him. Once he arrives yet again to Tesco, he looks around to see if the same cashier from yesterday was here again today. He smiles when his eyes eventually land on the blonde haired lad at one of the tills upfront.

Once he remembers what he came in for, he quickly heads to the aisle that contains the noodles and spots the type he needs. He hastily grabs the rectangular box and heads to the checkout, more specifically the lane with his favorite newfound cashier. Unfortunately it must have been the longest line in the store but he wasn't in a rush so it didn't matter too much to him.

As he waits, another cashier comes from around the corner and tells him he can go to her line since she was available. Harry quickly waves her off, saying he's fine where he is, but the customer ahead of him gladly took the opportunity and scurried off to follow her. Now he's only got one more person in front on him and he's relieved for Niall's sake that it wasn't another old woman. Instead, it happened to be a young lady around their age who was obviously flirting with him and laughing a bit too hard at jokes that weren't even meant to be jokes. He looks at Niall and he can tell the bloke is a little uncomfortable. That makes Harry feel a little bit better even though he has no right to be jealous.

Soon enough the lady leaves after some lingering stares and unnecessary touches to his hand when she's been given the receipt. On cue, Harry places his box of noodles down and glances up at Niall.

"Back again so soon?" He asks.

"Yea, I forgot the most important part of my meal I planned on making for dinner tonight," Harry explains.

"What're ya makin'?" Niall asked curiously as he rang the one item up.

"Chicken alfredo, my famous recipe," Harry grins.

"Two pounds," He reads the total, "You a good cook?"

Harry hands him the money, "The best. I'm actually cooking for one, care to make it two?"

Harry laughs slightly, hoping he isn't being too forward, especially since he's inviting the bloody cashier over for dinner considering he barely knows him. He feels his cheeks start to flush once he realizes he actually is probably being too forward.

"Can't, I work for another three hours but that sounds like a good meal," Niall replies, handing him his receipt and bag. "Enjoy your dinner, though."

He nods understandingly and gives a curt nod, "Thanks, have a good one!"

"Same to you," He replies.

Unknowing to Harry, Niall watches him saunter off this time. Harry exits the building and feels déjà vu set in.

It didn't go as bad as he thought it would, although he probably shouldn't have suggested dinner after having one conversation with him either. He quickly brushes it off, thinking that it could have just been taken as a kind gesture.

Once he arrives back at his apartment, Harry sets the bag down and truly begins to start dinner. With the stove clicked on and a pot of boiling water started, he grabs the box of noodles from the bag.

"Bloody hell."

Harry grimaces down at the box of penne noodles in frustration and turns the stove off. He'll just have to settle on a sandwich and crisps for tonight.

[ x ]

Harry has definitely made this trip way too many times to count this week and secretly he doesn't mind, but at the same time he feels a bit embarrassed. He decided to wait a couple days before returning, but at this point he seriously just wanted his damn alfredo. Maybe it was fate giving him another excuse to visit the blonde cashier or maybe he was losing his sanity and memory all at once. Whatever the reason, he's landed in Tesco once again.

This time he is positive he's grabbed the right type of noodles, but unfortunately this time, Niall seems to have the day off. Oh well, he thought. It was probably for the better since the blonde might think he's stalking him. Harry lightly laughs at the absurdity of his thoughts. As he waits in a random line, he sees Niall emerge from his peripheral vision. He walks up to the cashier Harry's in line for and he can hear him tell her to take her break and now takes her place.

Harry grins to himself in amazement. Coincidence or not, he was just happy to have Niall as his cashier again. After the man in front of him pays, he walks up to Niall and pretends to be looking up at the ceiling.

"Ah, you again. Miss me so soon?" He questions smugly.

"You wish," The brunette smiles. "I grabbed the wrong type of pasta last time."

Niall chuckles, "I thought it was funny you were making alfredo with penne pasta but I didn't want to say anything."

"Well you should have, would have saved me the embarrassment," Harry truthfully said.

The blonde waves him off, "S'okay, mistakes happen."

They go through the usual process as Niall reads the total and Harry pays.

"You know, my offer still stands from last time, that is if you want," He suggests, lingering before he has to part ways.

Niall raises an eyebrow, "Mate, before you even think about making me dinner, 'least tell me your name and maybe I'll think about it for next time."

"It's Harry," He says bashfully.

"I'm Niall if you haven't already read my name tag, but I'm sure you have," The cashier smiles. "It was nice seeing you again, Harry."

Harry simply raises his hand to wave goodbye before putting his head down shyly and leaving the building for the third time this week. As flustered as he felt, Harry can at least say that some kind of progress has been made with the crush he has on the cashier.

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