Prologue #2

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It had been quite an awful week, to be honest. A fire had swept through town, and destroyed a lot of old and important buildings, one of these being a local Church. As Though a lot of houses had been saved, the church was burned beyond repair, and all here was left to do was find anything that may have survived.

So, on Monday morning, a small crew assembled to find any objects of significance and turn them in, with permission, of course. Their first day was mostly normal, but in the evening they did manage to find some trap doors under what had been benches. After being unable to open them with the supplies they had at the time, they decided to return the next day with stronger tools in order to open them.

And as the next day came, they still found themselves to be unable to open the stone hatches.

Finally, the third day, the got one of them to budge. After hours of prying, it was opened. Underneath was a ladder leading to a dark room, which had a strange look about it. Inside they found many rotting papers, old empty barrels, and a stone table, which of closer inspection had many secret compartments.

Though almost all of them proved to be empty, one contained a small bit of rolled up paper, bound by a small strap of leather. The workers turned it and their discovery of the secret rooms to the local government. The bit of Paper turned out to be a map that showed multiple non-existent islands, all of which had their own distinct names, and some sort of code around them.

Little did that little town know, that map was the key to solving the mysteries of the place. The Key to changing the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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