Prologue #1

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Ancient European and American legends speak of a strange people who would arrive once a year in boats unlike any others. They would trade exquisite goods, such as fine jewellery, beautiful fabrics, marvelous beads, and exciting inventions, all for the simplest, most usual things. They would be there for only a week's time, and be off before Sunrise the next day, leaving no trace of where they might have gone. There was an odd look to these people, and most believed them not be fully human, or not human at all.

They would refuse almost any food that did not contain meat, and spoke a language that none could understand. They would avoid contact with powerful people, as if they knew something no one else did.

These strange people continued to trade with the ancient Europeans and Americans for thousands of years, but with the coming of middle English, no new records of them were made. By many, it is believed that they simply died of illness, or were never real in the first place, only completely separate myths with similarities.

But two months ago, a map was discovered in Britain, and it is thought to be the key to answering all of our questions regarding these strange traders and their secrets....

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