Chapter 8: Meeting the Maximoff Twins and Learning about the Avengers

Start from the beginning

She looked at the file in disbelief, with Strucker smiling cruelly down at her.

"Your father is alive, girl," Strucker said. "And he doesn't even know that you exist."

"Oh my God. No. No. No. No. No. No. No," Jocelyn whispered in disbelief and then started to shout, "NOOOO! OH GOD! NOOOOOOOOO! THAT IS NOT TRUE! ALL OF YOU MADE THIS UP TO MESS WITH MY SHITTY MIND!"

Even though her powers were blocked, she clocked Strucker in the face with a right hook and attempted another blow until she felt her body sizzle as Strucker shocked her.

"My dad died, you monstrous bastards!" Jocey yelled with tears falling down her eyes after the shock was done. "HE! IS! DEEEEEEAAAD!!"

"Jocelyn," Strucker said. "Hydra never lies to any prisoner. We only speak the truth, so deny it all you want, but your father is alive. He was frozen and used his Super Soldier powers to keep himself alive for years just like you did when we put you in the ice."

Jocey was appalled by the news. Her father, who she thought died before she was born, is alive right now, probably saving the world again as a soldier for S.H.I.E.L.D, and doesn't even know of his daughter's existence. She was sad that Steve will never know he had a daughter because S.H.I.E.L.D and Peggy had obviously moved on and probably won't talk about her or Peggy died and won't be able to tell him.

Jocey was also a little bit angry at her father as well. Even though he crashed the plane in the ice to save millions of people, she really didn't want Steve to leave her fatherless and alone. She wanted him back to care for her as a normal father would, but it's too late for that. He went into the ice for nearly 70 years.

Not only was the girl mad that he left her, she was also mad at him because she felt he was partially responsible for everything bad that happened to her. Ever since Jocey knew she was different from the other kids because of the Super Soldier Serum, she felt lonely, sad, and depressed because people always thought she was weird and they would often tease and bully her. She sometimes longed to be someone else who was normal. She thought the only person besides her mother or S.H.I.E.L.D who cared for as a person was Owen. Except, it turned out Owen was a secret spy for Hydra and told them where she lived. Hydra then came and took her to experiment her blood and tortured her. After her capture by Hydra, she really wanted to be someone else.

"My father being alive doesn't change anything about me," Jocey thought. "I'm never going to be rescued and it will never known to the world that I'm alive and a captive of Hydra. I have to keep going on with this nightmare, and fight it until I die."

Jocey wipes the tears off her face, standing up on her feet to glare up at Strucker, not intimidated by him at all. "Who's that?" she asked, pointing to the middle aged man.

"My apologies," Stucker said as he gestured to the man. "This is Doctor Herr List. He was once a S.H.I.E.L.D scientist, but quit when he found out that Hydra was more powerful."

"What's he gonna do to me?" Jocey asked harshly. "Experiment me like a lab rat again?"

"Fortunately for you, no," Strucker claimed.

"Your role as an experiment has come to an end. Instead, you will be a weapon for Hydra, to break S.H.I.E.L.D once and for all. Also, you will teach other enhanced experiments to control themselves."

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