The Beifong Family

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It only took two days, but Su and her family had arrive in the capital to protect the new queen. Mako had greeted them in person, Korra being hold in a hug on his chest, and Kuvira right behind them. Su, her husband, and children where then lead into a sitting room (witch had green couches with gold trim, a fancy coffee table, and art work all around the room) and where then told their new jobs. Baatar JR would be working with the military to design new weapons, his father would be design new buildings to support the kingdom, Su on training the guards, Opal (who is a earth and metal bender in my story) would be a bodyguard for Korra as well her twin brothers, Wing and Wei. Huan on the other hand would be in charge of creating Korra's jewelry and clothes to match with them. The family happily agreed with the jobs and wanted to start right away. Korra, who had tried to ditch Kuvira multiple times already but didn't have any luck, knew with three more guards she would have a harder time getting away.

Meanwhile with Lin

Lin had finally got Bolin to agree with her after pointing out Korra was always someone's punching bag because the world wasn't safe and it was her "job" to keep it that why. Bolin had seen Lin's point of view and now they where sneaking to the boarder of the Earth kingdom. They also had Naga and Pabu with them because 1) Bolin won't abandon Pabu and 2) Korra was most likely missing her furry companion. But where stop by guards who said "Your Bolin and Lin, King Mako said to let you in with the animals as well", who then open up a small gate for them to cross.

Back in the Earth kingdom's palace

Mako was overjoyed with how things where going, soon Korra and him would be married, and Korra was loved by the kingdom. He saw on the streets pictures of Korra replaced the old Queen's photos and people where saying she was the most beautiful Queen they ever had. Also, Bolin and Lin would be in the capital in a few days. He then went back to paying attention to Huan (who was showing him new designs he made for Korra's wedding dress), but they where stop by Opal running in yelling "PRINCESS KORRA (since she's not married yet to the king she is called a princess and also makes her sound more girly) IS CLIMBING A TREE", that had the other two running toward the scene in the garden, where Korra was climbing up a tall tree (wearing a green sun dress and her hair is pulled back with a yellow bow also didn't have any shoes on), the rest her guards and others gathering trying to get her down. Mako was horrified; his princess (he had a lot of nicknames for Korra because they all sounded cute for her) was in a tree, and started ordering for a safety mat to be set up underneath as he started to climb up after her.

Korra loved the view from up there, but was stop by a hand grabbing her foot and saw Mako who was mad "Korra what do you think your doing? Come down at once before you hurt yourself." As Mako started bring her down to his height, the tree breach broke, and the duo started falling to the ground, but thankfully the safety mat was set up. Everyone was glad Korra was safe, but where surrounding her like mother hens. Korra knew better then to trying and make her point, so all she said was "I'm sorry." Mako then told her that if she wanted to play (that was what everyone was thinking; Korra was playing not knowing any better) they would build her a playground. All Korra did was hug Mako as she started thinking "How do I get out of this now" and fell a sleep as Mako started carrying her to bed.

Mako is overprotectiveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant