Korra learns something ...... Don't eat fried cabbages!

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Korra and Naga have been running threw mountains and forests for a couple of days now, trying their harderst to cover more ground before Mako and the gurads caught up to them. Korra was getting worried thought. Their should have been people whispering about why their queen to be was missing but she didn't hear anything from when she snucked into towns to grab more food.

One day she knew they made a good amount of ground so she found a cave for Naga to rest in for a few days when she maped out their plan on what to do next once they got to the far north of the Earth Kingdom, so once getting into the town she found a place to eat. She order something that at less didn't look health, since when did people eat cabbages that much?

The owner brought her over cabbages that had been deep fried and as she took a bight he asked her "So you heading North to see the King Mako and his bride on their vaccation too?" She started to chock on the food until she took a sip of the cabbage tea before asking what he ment.

He smiled before saying "Oh you most haven't heard but King Mako vacaction is taking place in the far North of the Earth Kingdom right now since it would be much safer for her majesty, the Lady Korra from all our enimies!" before he walked away to help out another customer.

Korra couldn't belive it, how could she be so stupid! She should have known that Mako wouldn't have let her get this far without him planning something out first! Paying for her meal (that she didn't even get to eat) she started to head back to Naga to change their plan to head west then. If she remember right going west from her could be less then half a day ride and by the time Mako learned of going west she would be long gone on a boat.

"Let's go Naga" whispered Korra into her friend's ear, as the polarbear dog took off, as she ran Korra couldn't wait to see what awaited for her once she was outside Mako's hands. 'So long Mako you wouldn't be stopping me now!" thought the watertribe woman. Hoping that someone knew how she could get her bending back since it was bloked at the moment.

Unknown to Korra, her bending was coming back slowly and by the time she reached the west port of the Earth Kingdom they would be back.

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