Delicate flower & new job

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Korra hated how Mako was treating her like a delicate flower and how she couldn't think for herself. On the way to the capital, Korra and Mako made stops in some villages on the way to eat and get more traveling supplies. When Korra tried to order her own food, Mako would tell the waiter (more like demand) instead what to get her and said to her after words "That wasn't something that is good for you Korra" or "Sweetheart, it can be under cooked". Korra also had to tell Mako if she needed the bathroom or if good forbid her period started because the last time she secretly went to use a bathroom, Mako was running around thinking something horrible happen to her and also destroyed that village if Korra hadn't walked right into him.

It had almost been over a month, but one day they finally made it to the capital. As Korra was taken out of the carriage, Mako lead her into a fancy hotel, where he order a hotel room with one bed, and into their hotel room. Then Mako Feed her some dumplings (that had some sleeping drug in them), tucked Korra into the bed, and locked the door of the room. He then went to fine a finishing school for girls and found the perfect one; they where strict, and turned girls into proper ladies. After that he went to the palace to meet with the Earth Queen. Mako and the Earth Queen talked (she knew he kidnapped Korra, but wanted a fire bender in her royal guard and also to keep the Avatar out of her way) and he then was assigned as a Dai Li. He would be moving into one of the apartments in the palace with Korra and also had use of the guards so Korra wouldn't run away.

When he got back to the hotel, Korra was awake and he told her about his new job, but also they would be living inside the Earth Queen's palace. Korra forced a smile (knowing arguing wouldn't help her and want some information) and said "That sounds wonderful Mako, but wouldn't Tenzin and the others find use?" Mako (who thought Korra was scared to be forced to be the Avatar again and taken from him) then explain to her the Earth Queen wouldn't tell anyone and she (Korra) would be safe in plain sight.

The next day, Korra and Mako where getting settled in their apartments (think of a fancy bedroom, sitting room, bathroom, closet, and dinning room all in different shades of greens and yellows), she knew now that  the queen was on Mako's side and Korra had to figure out a way to make contact with Tenzin and her friends. Mako then got dress in the Dai Li uniform and left for work. Korra (who didn't start school for another week) went to the window and vowed to herself she would escape no matter what before she became what Mako wanted her to be: a proper delicate woman who couldn't bend or make her own dissensions.

Mako was happy in his job, but knew that if the queen had been back into a corner she would rate out his and Korra's whereabouts. The only way Korra could be safe in the Earth kingdom was if he, himself became the Earth King. "No one will stand in my way then of keeping Korra", thought Mako as he began walking down a hallway planing the Earth Queen's downfall.

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