imagine 1 (dw)

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after a long day of watching tv, going on my phone and stuffing I face you sit on my porch and watch the sunset. I normally did this alone but I saw someone in the distance and hollered " Hey Winston!" 

  He came over, hopped up on the steps and sat next to me . turning towards him, you smiled. "Hey doll, you want to go for a stroll?'' Dallas said with pep. "I'm down"

We both pop up and jump down the stairs. I didn't live far from the park. I put my hand in his, he hesites for a second but quickly responds with closing his hand around mine and a cheek kiss. I loved walking to the park with Dally, in fact I love him.  

We get to the park, find a bench, and chill there, I rest my head on his shoulder and he rests his head on mine. Knowing Dally he rests his hame on my upper thigh, takes a deep breath and sits back. " I love you."

"I love you too, Dal."

" I know I don't say it much I really do care about you."

"if you watch the sunset everyday, it just becomes six pm."

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