Stripper J. Part VII.

Start from the beginning


"Oh hi Park Chaeyoung the kid who got my daughter pregnant."

"Jesus what do you want now?"

"You know she hates you right Chaeyoung?"

"Yeah you and her have made that clear."

"You know your attractive,have a big penis, and have a big mouth not that bad but still bad."

"Awww you really know how to bring people down Mr.Kim as much as I hate you but really like your daughter and I want her and me to work you know."

"I see that enough with this little chitchat i'm getting bored."

"Not interesting for you? But couldn't say that about or for your daughter she's quite the loud moaner."

"CHAEYOUNG! YOU LITTLE BRAT LISTEN HERE! Don't fuck up her birthday Park especially not on New Year's Eve."

"I'm not going to and I didn't plan on it."

"I sure hope not and me and Micky, Jennie's mom are beginning to like you so don't fuck it up for her or yourself Park."

"Hello? Hello?" Rosé asked Jennie's dad on the other line as he hung up remembering the whole call was on speaker she opened the bedroom door to see if Jennie was eavesdropping on the other side of the door but found her on the couch. "You didn't hear any of the conversation I just had with your dad right?" Rosé asked giving Jennie back her phone. "No not at all." Jennie said giving the younger girl a smile. Liar. She heard the whole thing. Maybe Rosé really was trying to make them work but the only way she could know for sure was to let her in just for the night since it was her birthday and didn't wanna be mean on her birthday. That's not who she is, Jennie thought to herself. "Your a liar you know that?" Rosé laughed sitting on the carpet infront of the couch leaning her back against it. "Am I really a loud moaner?" Jennie asked curious and nervous at the same time. "Oh so you were listening. To the whole conversation?" Rosé asked rubbing Jennie's thigh that were crisscrossed behind her. "It's okay your moans are music to my ears let's me know i'm doing my job right." Rosé said standing up infront of Jennie. Jennie studying her body eyeing her abs through the tight see through white tank top she was wearing that hugged them. Her eyes traveling down to her covered penis through her black nike shorts she had on, up to meet her eyes, wanting to rip off the clothes that she was wearing off her body onto her cock. "Just say the word Jennie and i'm all yours." Rosé whispered getting down on her knees infront of her. "Take me out till midnight so I can get my midnight kiss and maybe i'll think about it." Jennie whispered back getting closer to Rosé. "You and I both know your midnight kiss is me i'm a lot of things J but i'm not dumb you know that and I know that." Rosé said grabbing Jennie's thighs. Jennie didn't know why but Rosé's words were really getting to her. Maybe it's because she's speaking facts but her words were really sticking to her. Or maybe it's the fact that everything she has been saying was right and true but she didn't want to admit it. Still in denial.

"What time is it?" Jennie asked snuggling her face into the scarf she had on. "10:12 I don't get why we had to come out so early we still have 2 hours and it's cold what do you want to do." Rosé asked putting her hands into her leather jacket she had on. Seeing Jennie who didn't have any gloves on and her hands were turning white. Rosé took hers off to give to her, but of course they fit because her hands were bigger than hers. "To blow out the candles on the cake you made me. Oh yeah also I know about that too ha!" Jennie said smacking Rosé's chest with the big gloves she had on over her hands. Rosé couldn't help but laugh at her cuteness, pulling her in for a hug feeling her arms wrapped around her waist since she was taller than her by a lot. Finding a table in the middle of a park in the open cold public. Rosé started lighting the candles on the cake placing it in between them. Them both sitting across from each other on the table crisscrossed looking at each other sinking in each other's eyes. She blew out the candles letting the smoke from them blow into the cold windy air. "What did you wish for?" Rosé asked in a whisper looking in Jennie's eyes. "For are baby to be a boy." Jennie responded in a whisper looking away from Rosé letting a soft smile appear on her face with a little chuckle. Rosé putting her index finger in the frosting placing it on Jennie's tip of her nose. "I di- did too even tho- though it- it's not my bir- birthday but you know what I mean." Rosé said laughing awkwardly rubbing her neck. "Come here." Jennie whispered lightly grabbing the back of Rosé's neck leaning closer to her brushing her lips against Rosé's before attaching her lips on hers. The frosting on her nose rubbing against her cheek.

"It's 11:10 should we go?" Rosé asked as she finished the last piece of the cake. "Yeah we should I kinda need to pee though." Jennie said getting off the table. Walking into a restaurant to pee. Rosé grabbing a bottle of whiskey from a liquor store waiting for Jennie to come out the restaurant from the bathroom in there. Rosé finishing the bottle of whiskey throwing it away as Jennie came out at the same time, her starting to panic because she just drank knowing she is still underage and a minor in Korean age. "About time." Rosé chuckled walking to the countdown clock. "Shut up." Jennie said pushing Rosé as they were walking in the street. Walking up to a closed and off limits building with yellow tape that said caution on it to walk on the roof to see the countdown clock and city lights better from up above. Jennie grabbing Rosé's arms as she moved the caution tape aside. "Wait stop I don't like heights and I especially don't like abandoned buildings with caution and off limits tape on the door Rosé don't please." Jennie said getting freaked out grabbing Rosé's arm even more. "Trust me do you trust me?" Rosé asked placing her hand over Jennie's that was on her left arm. "Yes bu-." Jennie not being able to finish her sentence as she was cut off. "Then you should know that I won't let anything happen to you." Rosé said grabbing Jennie's hand in hers opening the door walking up the stairs to the roof.

As they continued walking up the stairs. Jennie started getting exhausted. "How many fucking floors are there Chaeyoung?" Jennie said in a annoyed voice. "6 and there's 9 so." Rosé glancing at her wrist watch. "Okay stop what time is it and i'm tired and carry your child! I need a break." Jennie said fixing to sit down when she felt a pair of arms pull her by her waist. "It's 11:39 we still have enough time." Rosé said turning around grabbing Jennie's legs as she jumped on her back. "So muscular and fit for a 19 year old." Jennie said wrapping her arms around Rosé's neck as she carried her up the stairs. "You know I do workout right?" Rosé laughed grabbing Jennie's thighs tighter pushing her more up as she started falling a little. "Yes cause why else would you have abs but note taken." Jennie said putting her head in Rosé's shoulder. Finally making it to the roof top waking to the edge, placing Jennie down who was still on her back. Rosé leaning against the wall of the roof looking at Jennie as the lights from the city,moon, and countdown clock were shining on her gorgeous face. "10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Happy New Year!" The people from below the building said. Jennie and Rosé locking lips again, Rosé pulling her closer their lips still connected. "We all knew I was midnight kiss you we talking about. Rosé said laughing their foreheads against each other's, her arms wrapped around Jennie's waist. Jennie wrapping her arms around her neck. "You taste like whiskey have you been drinking?" Jennie asked getting mad at the fact that the girl she is starting to care about is still drinking as a minor. "Yes I have been drinking but it was only one bottle." Rosé said looking at Jennie who still had their foreheads connected.

"Stop drinking Chaeyoung."


"Just do it! If not for you then do it for me because I know you're into me."

Happy 420! 😂🥴 also I haven't been feeling well for the past couple of days which is why it took me forever to put the previous part out and this one but the next few parts will make up for it 😏😉❤️. Okay byeeeee for now

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