Chapter 16 - Love

Start from the beginning

"That's good to hear."

I looked across at Lena who had eaten quite a lot of her meal by now.

"My word you definitely were hungry!"

"What, prison 'food' isn't the best, love, is it?"

I couldn't agree or disagree. I'd never really been to prison. The only times I had been to prison was when I was encased and entombed in that sarcophagus thing, although that wasn't really a prison.

"Didn't think it was going to be. What was it like?"

"Oh it was just bread and soup. The only nice thing about it was that the soup was actually hot. It tasted very bad, but it was food none the less."

"Yeah." Mccree said. "Prison food isn't the best, and I've had my fair share of it, but in the end, you just gotta take it, cos you never know when you'll get anymore."

As Mccree said that, Reinhardt looked at the clock. It was 11:54.

"Mccree?" Reinhardt said. "What time is it?" He said with a hint of sass.

"Oh shoot it's almost time. Uh, sorry about the quick departure but I've got places to be in 5 so, see ya round."

"I think I'd better head out as well." Reinhardt said as he wished us well and left, following Mccree.

Me and Lena talked a little more while she finished her food. She may have been a small person, but my god did she just eat a lot. I couldn't imagine how hungry she must have been, mainly because I can't remember what being hungry felt like. When she finished we discussed what to do next.

"We can't use the training ground, it's out of action." I said to her.

"Yeah. Kinda don't wanna go back there too soon anyway."

"Outside's too dangerous, no missions going on."

"We could just go back to your room."

I looked at her in the eyes. Although I was always bored in my room, having nothing to do other than watch TV, I agreed just because she asked me to.

Lena's pov.

(Y/n) agreed to me coming into his room again. I was so happy when he said yes. I was still scared of being on my own, but being with him made me feel a lot more secure and safe. Whether he knew that or not, I didn't know, but he seemed to care about me, which allegedly means I meant a lot to him because apparently the 'Doom Slayer' doesn't have many emotions.

"So, what do you wanna do, love?" I said to him as he sat down on the couch.

"I don't know, I've never had free time off before."

"Aw come on. I'll show you what to do in free time." I started showing (y/n) everything I did in my free time: using social media, chatting with friends, watching TV, playing games etc. He seemed really intrigued by all of it. Overwatch had given (y/n) a phone which he could use. I was able to convince him to download a social media app called 'Instagram' and I got him to add me on it. It took a while for him to be able to work out how to use it, but with the help of me and Vega he finally made an account and added me. I told him that on Instagram, everyone posts really hot selfies of themselves and updates their followers on everything interesting they do. He believed me so he took a hot selfie and posted on his story what he'd done recently.

When he showed me the selfie he'd taken, I was in awe of his body. I'd given him a template (yes I know) of different common selfie types, since he had no idea what the current trends were. He'd gone for one when he takes a photo of himself in the mirror with no shirt on. He was so shredded, in a good way. He looked amazing and I told him so. He also looked so happy after he'd figured out how to upload it without my help. I didn't think I'd be saying this about him, but he was actually so cute doing so.

After he'd posted his picture on Instagram, he went onto the app store and looked for some games which he thought looked cool. He ended up downloading Bloons tower defense and clash of clans, both games I had. I helped him learn how the games work and got him started off. He was so happy when he completed his first level in Bloons. He was so happy in fact that he grabbed me and hugged me as hard as he could. I hugged him back.

"Thank you Lena." He said to me while still hugging me. It sounded like he was crying, but I couldn't tell since his head was behind me. "You've changed my life completely. If it weren't for you, I'd still be out there on my own as a cold blooded killer with no remorse, not even knowing what it was like to feel happy, but thanks to you, I've now realized that everyone needs a break sometimes and to feel happy."

As he sat back up, I looked him in the eyes. If I was able to do this to the one and only Doom Slayer, then I definitely meant a hell of a lot to him, and he was starting to mean a hell of a lot to me. Without him, all of my friends would be dead and if that didn't mean he meant a lot to me, then the fact that he saved my life twice did. I took a deep breath and looked him dead in the eyes.

"(Y/n), I love you."

He stared at me silently, a tear beginning to form under his left eye. I thought I messed up.

"Sorry I-i" I tried to say but (y/n) cut me off.

"I love you too Lena." (Y/n) said starting to smile. I didn't know how to react. I pulled (y/n) closer to me and kissed him on the lips. We stayed there for a few seconds, until I needed to breath. As I gasped for air he looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"I love you Lena." He said as he hugged me tightly.

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