"It's ok Raven. She was probably just shocked to see you again. And we surprised her when we showed up. She was already on edge before you both got here."

        Corey walked over with the bag of fruit cups Raven had dropped when James had collapsed. "Come on big guy, let's get her inside and lay her down so she is comfortable when she comes to again." Raven stood up with James in his arms and headed inside.

She is too light. Why is she so light? Why does she have bags under her eyes? WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO HER SINCE I LAST HELD HER? The other guys were completely oblivious to his inner freak out. He walked into her huge open living space and laid her down onto the comfiest looking sectional couch he had ever seen. It was wide deep and covered in a soft royal blue fabric. She had patterned matching blue cuddle chairs. He was sure they could easily fit two of his brothers on them. He looked around and really took in the surroundings for the first time. It was all hardwood, white walls, blue and grey furniture and homey accents.

She had a lot of plants, but he would expect nothing less. His malenkiy voin had always felt more comfortable in nature. It just made sense for her to bring as much as she could indoors with her. He looked around and saw his brothers looking around at the huge loft style space in awe. He was too distracted by his kroshechnyy prizrak, (tiny wraith) to really appreciate her living space. The boys seemed to come back down to earth and all crowded around James to wait for her to come to.

"Should we call someone?" Marc asked worriedly.

"No, I think we should just let her come out of this on her own. She is obviously just overwhelmed." Axel answered and Brandon and Corey nodded in agreement. The twins went into the kitchen to search her fridge for a bottle of water or something to give to her as soon as she came around. Raven sat on the floor by her head and held her hand. Whispering to her in Russian hoping to bring her around. He still couldn't believe she was here in front of him. She was breathtaking. He always knew she would be.

He felt the himself starting to slip into possessive jealous asshole mode. His thoughts started to spiral with all the worries and fears he had about her. She is so tiny, I will have to make sure she has kept up with her training. I will protect her with everything in me. She will never be alone again! Just as he was about to ask Axel if he was still sure about not calling someone, he heard someone opening her door and coming towards the living room.

He jumped up and pulled his gun. Who was this tupoy ublyudok (stupid fucker) who thought it was ok to just walk into his malenkiy voin's place. Just then a tall man came around the corner wielding his own gun, pointed straight at Raven.

"Who the fuck are you and what did you do to James?" This stranger yelled at the guys.

       The only one of them who didn't seem to be in shock was Raven, "Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing in moy malenkiy voin's house?" He yelled back just as angrily. The stranger dropped his arm and stumbled back in shock. He looked at Raven opened mouthed and wheezed out "Raven?" That single questioning word froze everyone in their spots. Raven even faltered and almost dropped his favourite gun. "How do you know me? Who are you?" The stranger took a few steps back and slid down the wall to sit on his butt. He looked almost relieved and breathed out. He looked up at Raven with tears in his eyes and a smile spreading across his face. "So you finally found her. Took you long enough." Raven dropped his arm and looked at this man more carefully. "Do I knew you?" Raven asked and Corey corrected him, almost a kneejerk reaction "Know you Ray, it's know you." Raven grunted, but didn't take his eyes off the stranger sitting on the floor across the room from him.

"We never officially met, but James has talked about you since the first day I met her. I feel like I know more about you than I do her." He chuckled without any humor. He looked at James and his eyes softened. Raven's hackles raised and he slipped in front of her. He did not like the way this man was looking at his malenkiy voin. "I will only ask a last time, who are you to moya malenkaya boginya voin? (my little warrior goddess)" The stranger actually had the nerve to laugh at the question. He shook his head and looked at Raven "she always said you were protective of her." He stood made eye contact and said, "I'm Max. James' family."

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