Chapter the Fourth: Hello

Start from the beginning

Ron's face contorted. "That bloody-"

"Ron!" Y/n interrupted. "It doesn't matter."

"But if he's going to be talking about Harry like that-"

"If who's going to be talking about me how?" Harry suddenly asked. Y/n and Ron looked back at him, surprised. 

"Oh," Y/n said. "Nothing. It, er, it doesn't matter." Daniel gave her a knowing look, and she fidgeted a little bit.

"Well, I feel like I deserve to hear it if it's about me," Harry replied. 

Y/n bit her lip. "Well... Draco Malfoy was... he was talking about how you deserved the treatment you got in Potions because you're friends with... well, us."

"Oh," Harry said. They all walked in silence the rest of the way to the castle. 

At dinner, Y/n sat, just picking at the food on her plate. She occasionally glanced up to glare at Draco- no, she wasn't going to call him by his first name anymore, he didn't deserve it- Malfoy. He looked so unconcerned by anything, though. She looked back down at her plate, which was still very full. 

"Y/n, why aren't you eating?" Percy questioned. "Eat. You can't be starving yourself here, that's not good. Is there something wrong?"

"No," Y/n mumbled. She stabbed a piece of chicken with her fork and put it in her mouth. Satisfied, Percy went back to his own food. 

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" Hermione asked from Y/n's other side. "It really seems like there is something bothering you."

"It's nothing. I'm fine. Just a bit annoyed." Y/n glanced back up to the Slytherin table and made eye contact with Daniel. He cocked his head toward Malfoy, rolled his eyes dramatically, and then smiled. She grinned. 

Hermione looked over at Daniel, as well, and then back at Y/n. "Do you know him?"

"Yeah," Y/n said. "His name is Daniel. We talked on the boats."

"Oh!" Hermione exclaimed. "Is that the boy that you were talking about a couple of days ago? The one that got sorted into Slytherin?"


"He seems nice."

"He is nice." Y/n glanced back up at him. He was aiming a spoon at Malfoy's head. She laughed. Hermione joined in when she saw what was going on, and then Daniel looked over at them again and grinned. 

When dinner was over, she walked up to the Gryffindor common room with Hermione. They debated whether Transfiguration or Defense Against the Dark Arts was the better class- Hermione for Transfiguration and Y/n for Defense Against the Dark Arts. 

They entered the first-year girls' dormitory to see Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown crowded around Y/n's pillow. They were whispering, apparently very excited. The whispering stopped, however, when Y/n closed the dormitory door, and they looked up at her. 

"What's going on? What're you two doing around my bed?" Y/n questioned. 

"Come look," Lavender replied. "Someone's left you something."

Curiosity piqued, Y/n made her way over to the bed. "Who would have...?" 

On her pillow was a tiny envelope with her name written on it in fancy lettering. 

"I dunno," Parvati said. "Just open it!"

Y/n picked up the small envelope. She tore it open, and out fell a little daisy and a slip of paper that said,


"It just says hello," Y/n announced. She inspected it to see if there was anything else at all written on it, but there was nothing. "And the only other thing that came with it was this daisy." She lifted it up for the other girls to see. Lavender and Parvati squealed. 

"You have a secret admirer, Y/n!" Parvati said. 

"That's odd," Hermione said in a thoughtful tone. "How would they have gotten it up here? The window's been closed all day, and there are enchantments against anyone other than Gryffindor girls coming up here."

"How do you know that?" Lavender asked in awe. 

"It's in Hogwarts, a History," she replied simply. "It's only briefly mentioned, however."

"Well, where there's a will, there's a way," Parvati said. "Who cares about how they did it? I just want to know who did it."

Y/n looked back at the daisy in her hand. Suddenly, she remembered the daisy crown she'd woven for Daniel that afternoon. It couldn't be from him, could it? He couldn't be her secret admirer, could he?

Hey guys, what's up?! You guessed it- the sky!!!

Man, I had a whole bunch of inspiration last night. You guys really got lucky. This chapter is still kinda short, tho...

WHATEVER! I really hope that you all enjoy my writing. This can be some pretty grueling work. I kinda don't want to do it sometimes, but then STORY!!!! I love writing stories if you couldn't tell. What? You thought I wrote this just for you???

I mean, yes. But also me. I like the story. I'm having a ball here writing it. It's fantastic.

I feel like maybe I should come up with some sort of pet name for you readers. Should I? Yes? No? Comment. 

Who do you think the mysterious note was from? Comment.

Am I really okay? Comment. 


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