Sleeping Beauty

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"Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling Clementine, you were lost and gone forever, dreadful sorry, Clementine."

I heard the low hums of the song coming from the women on the balcony as she walked out of sight. I took my room key and ran up the stairs but she was no where to be seen. I didnt know how or why but i knew she was the reason I came back here.

As I walked down the hall to my room I realized I had yet to see another guest, the hotel seemed quiet, and empty. I unlocked the door and swung it open. It creaked and hit with a thud. I picked up my small carry bag and stepped inside. I remembered this room from my dreams. I found the whole situation a little unnerving.

I set my bag on the old chair and took a seat on the edge of the bed. I had the feeling of overwhelming deja vu. I laid down closing my eyes trying to remember the details. All I could see was the woman's face. And her voice rang in my memories. Why was I held captive in her aura? Her voice began to fade as i drifted into sleep.


I stood outside the door with the numbers 64 marked on it. "Why did it have to be this room?" I thought to myself. I looked through the door to find the woman asleep on the covers of the bed and found myself drawing nearer, until she was just out of my reach. I tugged the strands of hair behind her ear. It was soft. She was exactly how I remembered her as a child, only much more beautiful. I wondered why she came back. How could she remember to come back here after all this time. I was sad but also relived at the sight of her. She was grown up. And looked to be so precious and filled with endless possibilities. That was something everyone around here lacked. Everyone had a sense of sadness, but not her. She was a living light that walked through these hotel walls for the first time in a very long time. That was sure to draw unwanted attention.

Clementine was waking up so I vanished before she could see me. She would have too many questions. Questions I wouldn't know how to answer, questions that I'm not ready for.

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