Chapter Four : I Love My Space

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" I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together - Marilyn Monroe "

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I guess I'm a lucky child. I mean to be among the selected few God decided to give a second chance, to have a shot at life again, I am. Many people take sleep for granted, and worse of they take waking up even more lightly. If only we know, like truly know, and also understand how lucky we are to wake up every morning, every day, I don't think we would spend a second of our time worrying over unnecessary things. We may feel that thousands of people wake up every day and only a few die, If only we know.

I sluggishly manage to get the upper half of my body up. I am completely tired. My whole body feels sore, if I didn't own my body, I would say the owner of this body just finished doing manual labor. Oh, figures. I cried yesterday. I don't cry with my body but my eyes alone, so why are my entire body parts aching? I don't want to waste this opportunity to be alive again, sulking over the past. I manage to get myself up. As I stand I glance toward my parents. My heart breaks. Lately, ever since I started reading ACHIEVERS, I love my parents more than I did before. I tiptoe towards the door, I don't want to wake them up. As I get to the door, I turn around to look at them again. Jeez, my parents look pitiful.

I go outside and I sit on the tiny stool laying helpless on the veranda. I look around but I find nothing eye-catching, I look up and the beautiful blue sky catches my eyes. As I stare at it, I find myself asking it questions, and then waiting for a reply as it could hear me and talk to me.

A noise from behind me makes me give up on waiting for a response from the skies. It's Dad.

"I know you feel hatred towards your sister, but I don't want you to. You don't know the full story. Sometime, Someday, somewhere, I and your mother will tell you everything you need to know." My dad says placing his left hand on my shoulder. I am in awe right now. I can't believe he's telling me this. This man right here, if he's the same man who got insulted by this person he's trying to protect right now, I wonder.

I remain outside, watching how the birds fly joyfully in the sky. It's such a beautiful sight to behold. Someday, when I'm older, I want to go to a beautiful place for a week, where I would just rest in the warm embrace of nature. Looking at the birds again I wonder if they ever get scared of falling. Well, that's actually like me wondering if we humans get scared of flying one day all of a sudden when walking.

My mom screams my name from the Palour, I guess it's time I go in. The sun has fully risen. "You remember what I told you last night right?" My mom says with all certainty and seriousness. I just stand and watch my mom. She's at it again. My Mom has this habit of telling one something in her sleep, and then, waking up believing she had the conversation with the person in reality. "Mom you didn't tell me anything. We didn't even say a word to each after I came back from school." I say the last word, bursting into laughter. This is something that I have been trying my best to hold in. It finally finds its way out. My Dad who by now is searching for the clothes he will be wearing to work today, comments from the room, "Don't mind your mother. That is how last week when I didn't return home with a phone, she kept arguing with me that I promised to get her a new phone the previous night." We both burst into laughter and after a little while my Mom joins us. It was just too funny for anyone not to laugh. I'm really happy right now, seeing my parents laugh this hard again after last night's intensity. "Either way, you will have to stay in the shop today. I will be going to our village meeting. Our chairlady sent a text to all of us last night that there is an emergency. I may even come back very late. Prepare vegetable soup before I return, ó swam."

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