Untitled Part 25 - Final Chapter

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They stood with anticipation as their final opponents walked to the ring. In the lead was a young looking guy who had weird gloves on. He had a smile on his face like he knew the fight was already theirs. Right next to him was a beautiful woman with extremely long blonde hair, almost touching the floor. She had a sword sheath at her side. Next to her was a very tall, very old looking man. He had a stance about him that screamed wisdom. He as well had a sheath on his hip. Coming up from behind him was a girl shorter than the first, with way shorter brown hair holding a rod type looking weapon. And bringing up the rear was another guy, tall with sivlerish, black hair holding two blades, on in each hand.

Koto danced around in the ring, “And our finalists have gathered for a glorious battle! I can’t contain my enthusiasm! Let’s hope to see some blood out there! And hopefully not another demolished stadium. Team captains; please join me at the center to decide the way the fights will be fought!”

Yuske and the one with the weird looking gloves on his hands walked to the center of the ring by Koto. The guy from the other team put out his hand in an attempt to make a handshake. Yuske looked at him oddly and reluctantly extended his own hand for the shake.

The guy gave a huge smile, “The name’s Jude. I’m hoping for an awesome match! How about we do one versus one? Always adds to the suspense.”

Yuske crossed his arms to his chest and shrugged, “Whatever works for me. I’m game. Let’s do this!”

The two nodded at one another and went to their corresponding sides of the ring.

Koto’s voice was heard loud and clear for what seemed like miles with how loud she was speaking into her mic, “And it’s been decided! The finals will be one versus one matches! The first team to three wins will be declared the winner and be awarded a special prize! First round combatants, please step into the ring and get this party started!”

Kiren growled a little, “That damn cat is a little too energetic for my tastes and needs to shut up.”

Kurama chuckled, “You know, you’re starting to sound more and more like Hiei every single day.”

Hiei glared over at the fox and Kurama gave a small smirk and looked back towards the ring where Kuwabara was climbing onto.

Yuske yawned, “Well, this should be over quickly.”

Kiren giggled, “Well, I suppose we should get the worst fight out of the way first shouldn’t we?”

Kuwabara turned around and shot daggers at his teammates, “I can hear you ya know! I’m going to totally prove you wrong and win the first round! I guarantee it!”

Kiren busted out laughing, “Alright Mr. Tough Guy. Show me what you’ve got. Mind you though, if you lose, I’m totally beating the crap out of you before Yuske can get to you.”

Kuwabara’s face turned grim and then he immediately turned his face back towards the ring, awaiting his opponent to join him. He had newfound determination to win this fight. Kiren scared him just as much as Yuske did.

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