Untitled Part 7

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When Kiren woke up, it was still pitch black outside. She sighed, 'So much for getting a good night sleep,' she thought to herself.

She stood up and stretched. Yuske and Kuwabara were snoring away. She looked over at the other two and they seemed to be fast asleep as well; but one could never tell with demons.

Feeling antsy, she climbed the tree that she was under. She went all the way to the top and looked around at their surroundings. Typical forest, filled with lots and lots of trees; but what caught her interest was a tower she saw in the distance.

She stole a look back down at the boys for a moment before looking back in the direction of the tower.

"Well, since I can't sleep I might as well make use of myself and go check it out."

She slowly hopped from treetop to treetop, making sure to keep a lookout of any demons that may be lurking. She made it to the very edge of the trees that surrounded the tower. She hadn't seen any demons on the way, but when she saw the bottom of the mansion that the tower was connected to, she saw quite the number of them.

Thankfully, none of them had noticed her presence. 'Talk about security; this ring must really be something to have this many demons lurking about. If there's this many outside, I don't even wanna know how many are inside,' she thought to herself.

She took everything in as well as she could; trying to memorize everything to tell the guys. When she was done, she started going back to where the boys were.

Yuske was the first to stir when the sun came up. He sat up and yawned while looking around; the others were waking up as well. As he was looking around, he realized that Kiren was missing.

Kurama noticed Yuske's frantic looking around, "What's the matter Yuske?"

He looked over at Kurama, "I don't see Kiren anywhere."

Kurama took his own look around and affirmed what Yuske had said, "That's odd. She was asleep by that tree over there just before I fell asleep."

Everyone came together in the middle of the clearing that they were in looking around. A rustling in the tree behind them could be heard. Everyone got ready for a fight, but relaxed when they saw that it was Kiren.

She straightened up from jumping out of the tree, "Morning everyone."

Yuske glared at her, "Where were you? I was starting to think you got kidnapped or something."

She rolled her eyes, "Come on Yuske, what kind of girl do you take me for? I couldn't sleep so I decided to scout the area to see if I could find anything."

Hiei smirked, "I guess you're useful for something."

She glared at him, "Jack ass."

Kurama smiled, "Did you find anything?"

She smiled over at Kurama, "Yeah, actually I did. There's a mansion just a little ways away from here. Heavily guarded though. There's atleast 500 demons guarding the entrance. Whoever this guy is that has this ring, he doesn't take any chances."

Yuske got his big grin and put his arm around Kiren's shoulders, "That don't scare me. We've got the best team around that can kick some ass."

Kiren swatted his arm away, "Don't touch me."

He looked at her funny, "What's wrong with you?"

She ignored him and started walking towards where the mansion was located, "Let's go and get this over with. I wanna go home."

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