"Let me have just one taste little butterfly. Then I'll let you flutter away for now." He was trying to compromise? I swallowed at what he could possibly have in mind for a 'taste'. He leaned down to me and pressed his lips against mine. He was kissing me, he wasn't being rough or anything. This was soft and he slowly slid his tongue inside my mouth, of course I had let him in. I don't know why I had parted my lips and let him in but something was craving this. He put both hands on my waist as I was suddenly wrapping my arms up over his shoulders. He pulled me to him more, I was right up against him now and it wasn't just his frame that was hardened. The bulge growing between his legs was more than enough to have me turned on.

I didn't get turned on like this, it was a new sensation that I was scared of, and kind of liked... a lot.

The kiss suddenly became frantic and hungry. I don't even know how it got like that, but I was a little sure it might have been me who initiated that neediness. I figured that out because he was the one to push me away from him some time later.

"Whoa, let's slow down my pretty little butterfly. I keep my word, and I only asked for a taste." He breathed, he seemed just as out of breath as me.

"I'm sorry.." I apologized though I wasn't sure what for.

"Oh no, no little butterfly- There's nothing to be sorry for. Only that I don't have more time to do all the things I want to do to you." He licked his lips again and I had to try my hardest to not whimper and get down on my knees and beg him to do whatever he wanted to me. The urge was strong and I was so confused as to why I was behaving like this. His lips pressed to mine once more.

"I promise you this though, you come here when you want me. Alright? I'll be here every night and if I see you here, waiting.. then I'll know you want me as well." His eyes flashed that green, and I was breathless again standing there. I most likely looked like a fool but this guy... I couldn't even explain it. I'd read about this though... the feeling, the not knowing what to do with yourself once you're around your mate... this was normal. In some sense I'd been expecting this, yet here I was just as confused.

"Okay." I replied back. I'd come here if I wanted him... when I wanted him? Fuck.. I already forgot his words. I only knew I'd be coming here again for some reason or another. I needed to come back here. After I spoke he released his grip on me.

"Go now little butterfly, before I change my mind and keep you trapped here in my garden." He shot back at me with a smirk. He looked... good. So tempting and... I had to swallow and run, and that's what I did. I turned so fast and fled that I almost got lost as I went right back to the room I'd been given down below the kitchens.

I needed to see him again...


(Jungkook's POV)

"So, why are we riding out here again?" I asked as myself and two of my older brethren rode down the path to the western cost Village of Port Reef.

"We're going there because of some messages that were sent. Something seemed a little off, it might be nothing but I knew I needed the two of you with me. I would have asked Tae along too but with his wife being with child I thought it best to give him a different task." Namjoon said as we rode.

"Well I for one am glad you brought me. Sapphire's been moody, and I think it's kind of put her on edge not being pregnant yet." Hoseok spoke up.

"She shouldn't worry, I'm sure she'll be with child in time." Namjoon tried to be reassuring.

"I told her that, but it didn't seem to help. I can only hope some of the other sister's can help her." Hoseok said softly.

"The pretty little butterfly is mine by the way. I'm sure of it now." I chimed in, I wanted them to be the first to know. I would liked to tell Jin as well, but it most important to me that Namjoon knew.

"Butterfly?" He asked with a look of confusion on his handsome face. All my brothers were handsome, but Joon.. he was a handsome in a more mature way. The way I hoped to be someday.

"Yes, my pretty little butterfly." I confirmed. He seemed to laugh at the name.

"Okay, but... butterfly?" He chuckled. I admit.. I pouted.

"Hey I don't make a fuss over you calling your mate 'beloved' every five seconds so don't fuss over me calling mine 'Butterfly'. She is a butterfly, my butterfly." I stood firm on this one, no one... no matter who it was, was going to tell me what I could call her. Hoseok was busy trying not to burst out in laughter. I could tell because I glanced over at him and his hand was over his mouth, while his face was turning slightly red.

"Point taken. I won't bother you about it. It just seems like an odd choice for a pet name." Joon added.

"Joon's got a point. You're calling your mate an insect. That doesn't exactly sound endearing." Hoseok finally spoke after trying so hard to contain his laughter.

"Says the one calling his mate-"

"Alright, point made let's not continue." Hoseok jumped a bit and cut me off. I smirked, I guess he want Namjoon or anyone else maybe to know some of the dirty things he called his wife. Honestly I was shocked she wasn't pregnant with the way they go at it. Can't walk down the hallway where there room is without hearing at least one of those names being called.

"But why butterfly?" Namjoon asked a little more seriously. I smiled at him.

"Because, she flutters away from me. She always seems just out of reach." Namjoon smiled and nodded. The rest of the ride was mostly silent with little chit chats here and there. Once we got there our mouths dropped. Namjoon had a look of concern. It wasn't the twelve soldiers that were a special team made up of Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi's 'special warriors'. No it was the eight men that were tied up and kneeling on the ground in front of those men that were the shock.

"What is this? What's happened?" Namjoon asked the soldiers.

"Majesty." One man, a man I knew as Captain Jensen stepped forward and gave a bow as he spoke. "The rebels landed on the coast here yesterday. We saw them coming and got word to you right away. I was afraid you wouldn't get here in time so I made the call. We tried to play it peacefully my lords. But the rebels were not having it. They offered us those." He motioned to some large wooden barrels that were being dragged out from just inside the gate to the village.

"Normally, we would be happy to take wine that was offered. Only this wine is laced with poison." As the words left his mouth Namjoon and Hoseok got off their horses. I followed behind them. I had a feeling this day was about to get interesting.

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