New to the pack

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Eliot's POV

'Don't fuck this up don't fuck this up' I think I walk over to the forest that's supposed to be the one with my new pack I sigh trying to calm my nerves. I walk in and see a girl wearing a crop top and shorts 'okay if I act like an alpha, everyone will think I will, so just act confident' I think and I walk over to the girl "Hey girl you look hot maybe I can get your number and we can hang out sometime" I say with a wink and she looks at me with a smirk, she puts her hand on my chest and backs me up into a tree " I won't be giving you my number and I won't be giving you much if my time, you must be new here" she says then removes her hand from my chest "I am the alpha and you will treat me as such, follow me and I'll take you to the others" she says while walking off, I follow her and she leads me to a group of around 10 people. I stand kinda in the back and she walks in front of them "h-" she tries to speak but a guy standing in front interrupts her "girlie, go play with your friends while we wait for the alpha, only he can tell up what it do not son kid that wants to distract us" he says and she growls then walks up to him and slashes him in fac causing him to bleed but not enough to cause permanent damage "don't interrupt me when I'm speaking!" She demands on which makes me slightly cower even though it wasn't directed to me, she back up "as I was saying, hello I am your Alpha, you should know your places, some of you are betas and some of you are omegas" she says and looks at me while saying omega "walk deeper into the forest and you should find your house" she says and she's about to walk away "how does that work and how do we know we know we've found our house, and do we get our own house or share a house" a guy asks and she groans and walks back over "instincts, how you know when you've made it is the leader of the house will be standing outside, you share the house with 3 other people" she says then leaves. Everyone heads into the forest and goes there own way, I come across a clearing with a house but who I see is the alpha 'please don't let her be my housemate' I think and walk up to her "are you Eliot age 19, am omega" she asks and I nod "y-yes" I say nervously.

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