Ryujin slanted on her leather chair, greatly disturbed to Lia's action.

Her eyes, was full of lust, she was really perfect to be described as mischievous. And that was she is.

Lia just fixed her tie and go down to her desk, but Taehyung saw everything. He closed the door and immediately went away, and pretend talking to the janitor. As the Countess was gone, he rushed to the office of his cousin.

"Damn why you look pale?"

Ryujin just stared at Taehyung, "I-I don't know.."

"Are you scared of Li-"

"No! And I would never be." She screech, which startlingly Taehyung over the edge. The man calmed his cousin and went to a serious talk.

Lia did her best to hide the hickey using her makeup, but everytime she look at the hickey, she felt something burning in her inside.

The feeling was unstoppable, but she tried to shrug that thing of. As her body and mind reacted differently to her, and almost curse about the weirdness of her inside.

She calmed and smiles, the smile that doubted to be mischievous, always wanted anyone to be miserable, if they do she will be happy.

Lia opened one cubicle and saw Yuna in Lia's form, tied up.

Lia was unfinished covering her hickey by concealer, but she notices Yuna wasn't in the van anymore. "Fuck it!" She curses, Yeji and others laughs secretly.

Sometimes the heated rivalry of the two is actually funny, but only pranking at each other. Lia knew where Yuna would go, Yuna would transform into Lia and go and flirt to Ryujin.

It was actually weird why she would turn into her bad sister and not facing Ryujin alone, in her true form?

Vampires senses are more stronger than humans, she senses where her sister could be. Until she walk into the washroom on the 5th floor, Lia saw her other self standing looking herself on the mirror, no doubts it's Yuna.

Due to her anger she attacked her own sister, she pulled a crucifix on her sling bag. It was quite weird why Lia wasn't affected to the presence of the holy crucifix, which Yuna became scared and made her way to make the young one to be unconscious.

She tied her sister there and left her alone.

"Poor Yuna.. the cross must've hurt you badly." She said, and laughing maniacally. "If I could just kill you, and I wish I can. But no matter what I do, you can't die."

At the sudden time, the tied Lia come back to her own form, Yuna. The black-pink haired girl was deeply unconscious, but Lia checked her pulse and she was still alive.

Lia called Jaemin to carry Yuna and bring her to the van, the sisters glares at Lia who was just sitting at the back. And there is Jaemin carrying Yuna, then places her beside Chaeryeong.

Chaeyeon coldly asks, "what the hell did you do this time?"

"Nothing, shutting up someone who wants to pretend to be me." Lia muttered, bluntly. Chaeyeon rolled her eyes and Jaehyun stared at the rear mirror, probably looking at the girl.

Then got his stare to the unconscious Yuna, who was lying on Chaeryeong's shoulder, as the youngster let her.

He sighs, he cannot himself to be worried. He's the uncle. But he started the engine and began to face the road outside.

"I can't believe she's turning more evil.." Jaehyun said, Chaeyeon nodded, which is just beside him. "I can't believe their Dad choses her during the match."

Jaehyun stares at her and only nodded. "Maybe their dad thought Lia would be different, but he's potentially wrong."

"Senior Agent A, Agent J. How's the spy?"

Wonyoung and Yujin greets Ryujin as Ryujin nodded, waiting for one of them to contiue. "The spy is actually near to the family of the Countess, and doing great during his first two days."

"Does the spy something information about their plans, or whatsoever?"

Wonyoung greets again and talk about the spy, "when the spy was talking, the spy was stuttering and can't speak properly." Yujin nodded in agreement, totally agrees at the statement of the young girl.

"Very strange, but always call the spy. We badly need information about the family of the Countess." Ryujin said, the two girls saluted and leave her office.

Yiren who was just beside her puffed, "Why did you sent a spy near them? If you can spy them?"

"My mind was clouded, and I can't think straight." Ryujin said, releasing an air through breathing.

But the maknae of Everglow stood up and spoke to the girl, "how was the recollection? I've heard you stayed a while there.. after looking at Nun Jihyo?"

The girl fixes her seat and said, "It was creepy that she still look young after those years she was sleeping."

"And that is why.. we targeting the strongest family of vampire in Europe." Yiren began, "they are the one who can break the spell. And that's why we prepared for two years."

Ryujin just nodded, and understand the goal of them. "And after that, we would destroy them."

"Sounds not good to me."

Wang almost got angry, "It is.. because Lia came back into your life."

Ryujin stares at the window at her side and opened it, in the view she can see the whole city but much farer than she would expect. "I miss Yuna, that damn much."

Yiren clicked her tongue, "tsk, I know you would."

"Her smile, her laugh, everything. I am not lying anymore, but the thing is, is I don't know if I truly love her." Ryujin mumbled, but Yiren heard that, taking the picture frame of Yuna with Horsey. Who was both missing, in her point of view.

Ryujin became silent and without her knowing, Yiren left her office. Ryujin became sad, the more she wanted to get a glimpse of the girl, but the fate was sending her to Lia.

"I don't know why I suddenly get involved in ther family. I just don't really know." Ryujin sighs, and started to play a sad song and the rain pours. The Captain, was just, looking at it with her sad eyes.

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