The Christmas Owl - Principium

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-: The L.O.O. does not own any part of the Harry Potter Universe, which is the property of J.K. Rowling [not me] and Warner Bros. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. This is for entertainment purposes only. OB-viously.

♥ Thank you so much for your time ♥

♥ You are much appreciated ♥


-: Constructive criticisms, informative or friendly comments, advice, and questions are VERY much appreciated and welcomed; I am here to learn :) And I DO take criticism well, even if it is brusque and explicit ... As, well, I myself am brusque and explicit ☺

-: Rudeness, unkindness and thoughtlessness are NOT welcomed.

-: Many thanks to all of you who take the time to read, share, save, vote and/or comment. It means more than you know ☺

-: And I shouldn't have to tell you this, but...!! PLEASE don't steal words from my brain! Not that I'm going to hunt you down with a fork but, really... Karma's a red-haired bitch. With a whip.

-: Lovely cover art purchased from WatercolorStarPrints on Etsy

-: Cover/banner designs by myself. Fonts used are [because I always want to know]:

•• Title - JELLYKA DELICIOUS CAKE by Jellyka Nerevan [free]

•• Subtitle - ABOVE demo by HeroFonts [free]

•• Signature - SAME-SEX MARRIAGE SCRIPT LDO by Luke Owens [free]

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