The Beginning

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I was at school one day, and I got in trouble by my teacher for zoning out. Then, this one girl Kylie came up to me and started pushing me and shoving me around. This other group of girls came up with her. They all started kicking me and smacking me. A couple of guys came up and took them off of me. Then, later that day, this girl named Emily came up to me in Stem and started saying, "you don't know how to read, you're mental, shit up you fat bitch, you deserve to die, I hope you cut and bleed" and so on so forth. Then, we told my teacher and she could've cared less. So, then I went home and told my abusive grandparents about what happened, and the just told me to go back into my "room"and shut up. They never liked me anyways. So, then I called Mom (who lives 3 and a half ours away) and asked if I could come live with her. She agreed and I was happy asf. She came and picked me up from school the next day. (I didn't really wanna leave my brother but I kinda had to😬)

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