Part 1 || "How long till class?"||

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Yume's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock and jolted out of bed, I looked across the room at my roommate and best friend Bo, she was already dressed and half way out the door when I said "Why didn't you wake me up?!" Bo stoped and turned around, "I didn't want to wake you, you were sleeping so peacefully! And don't worry, you set your alarm clock two hours before school actually starts, remember? We were going to go get breakfast but sense you were sleeping I thought I would just grab some breakfast and bring it up for you." She said through a smile, I smiled back. Happy too know that she would of woken me up if I was late, "if you wait for me I can get dressed quickly." Bo looked back at me, "sure, I can wait" she said as she sat down. 

     I walked over to my dresser and pulled out my school uniform, I slipped off my sleep shirt and and slid on my school uniform. I rushed back out "I'm ready!" Bo looked up at me and smiled, "You look great!" She said, giggling a bit. I couldn't help but notice how her light blue eyes shimmered in the light, it was like a ocean clear as glass.

Bo's POV:

I looked up at my friend, she was very beautiful. "I'm lucky you are my friend" I looked up at her and smiled, she looked down at me with her big amber eyes, she smiled back at me. I loved her amber eyes very much but she loved my big glossy blue ones as well. She grabbed my hand and we walked out of the dorm, she closed and locked the door behind us.

   We walked down to the dining room, we got our breakfast and walked outside to sit down on the ledge, I dangled my feet off the edge, Yume sat down beside me "Don't fall and hurt yourself!" She said jokingly. I leaned forwards and pretended too almost fall, she leaned over and pushed be back, "if you fall I'm not helping you again like last time" she laughed.

Moroi's POV:

I walked down the hall with Baohu, it was so quiet, all I could hear was the tapping of our footsteps. I looked over at him, I hated him so much but I still liked him, I sighed and looked back in front of me. "Drama club is trying to get me on the acting team" Baohu looked over at me "You should try it out. The worst that could happen is if you actually get a good part." I looked over at him, wanting to bear my fangs so bad. But I contained myself and took a deep breath in and let out a huge sigh, I wanted to punch him. "Shut your mouth, at least I don't freeze up when  it's my line." "We don't know that yet, you may make the worst mistake of your life and make Yume hate you forever" Baohu said. I froze and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt "Don't start pretty boy." 

Baohu POV: 

I pulled away from Moroi's grip, and stormed away I hated him so much, but we were still friends. I don't know WHY I stick around him, I walked as fast as I could, trying to get as far away from Moroi as I could, all that was going through my head was "How long till class?" I sighed and sat down as I leaned against the wall, the floor was still cold because of the time, I shivered but it was better than being next to him..

||Authors Note!|| Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of The Roses and the Thorns, I had a lot of fun writing this! Chapter 2 should be coming out sometime this week so stay tuned!

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