2 - Have you ever Danced with the Devil in the Pale Moonlight?

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Him. Whoever he is.

Good lord, was he a sausage? His body was all neck. He's so lucky he had a goatee there because you would never know where his neck started or ended. But there ... was something about him.

His hair covered his eyes, and was completely dyed in black and purple in the front. It gave you a mysterious vibe, and you wanted to know more about him the more you looked at him. He had chains all over his neck, and one of them was a pair of...handcuffs? Whatever that means. He wore at least hundreds of bracelets on his arms, and you knew some of the bands on there.

".... My Chemical Romance, huh?" You blurted our. Why did you say that? Stupid ass. He looked confused for a second, and looked down at his wrist.

"Oh....yeah." He awkwardly laughed.

Some silence passed for a little.

"So ... you gonna give me the five or what?" He asked.

Your eyes widened for a second, and you handed him the five. "Uh...thanks so much." You grabbed your chips and left.

Who ... was that man? His aura was certainly differently than any other person you've been with. You've never seen that kind of style before in Beverly Hills. What was it called again? Scene? That's the word. Interesting.

What was also strange was that he didn't he even care that you hundreds in your fat wallet. People usually perked up on that. He clearly wasn't like other boys. You wanted to know more about him. You'll definitely go see him at Frosty Mart tomorrow.

It was already night as you opened the door to your apartment. You were exhausted, and totally not ready to teach stupid bitch kids like those underwear assholes. You put on your gucci pajamas and slept on the bed with your money.

You woke up at midnight feeling like something terrible was going to happen. You went to the kitchen to get water, and made the mistake of looking at the window. The shades may have been up, but it looked as if there was this large oval shadow standing in the middle. It moved around as if it was trying to get inside. What the fuck? Should you call the police? How would that even make sense?

You took some deep breathes. Is this a nightmare? Is this a robbery? Everyone knows how beautiful and rich you are. Your wearing Gucci pajamas, of course.

All of a sudden the oval started banging on the window. The blinds fell off, and you saw that whack ass cashier from earlier. He didn't see you yet, but you froze and stared in horror.

Did he.. have fangs? Is he sparkling?

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