"So, our cabins are a bit further away than the kids' are, so they can be closer to the main building, just in case. And we're one of the last cabins 'cause of our last names, so we're like really far away," Louis laughed and Harry nodded in acknowledgment with a small smile.

"It's your first year, yeah?"

Harry nodded again. "Yeah, my mum and I moved to the area a few months ago."

"That's cool, where did you live before?"

"Uh, a small town a few hours from here, called Cheshire. Holmes Chapel to be exact." Harry looked over to see Louis already looking at him intently, like he was actually interested in what Harry was saying.

Harry really wasn't used to people caring about what he said, and he honestly sucked at small talk, but he could already tell Louis was different. He seemed really nice.

"Why'd you move?" Louis ended up asking, immediately regretting it when he saw fear flash across Harry's face.

"Um," Harry cleared his throat and turned to face forward again, adjusting his bag on his shoulder, as he lied, "My mum got a new job here."

Louis just nodded, realizing that was definitely a soft spot for the boy, so he'd leave it alone for now.

"Um, how long have you been coming here? You seem experienced," Harry asked after a few moments of silence. He felt bad for making it tense.

"This is my fourth year counselling, and I used to come here as a kid too. So pretty much have been here every summer for about 10 years," Louis let out a chuckle. "Well, minus the year when I was 16 and wanted to stay at home with my boyfriend at the time instead."

Boyfriend. So he was gay, or bisexual maybe, but it wasn't like Louis would want someone as self conscious and fucked up as Harry was. A boy can only dream.

"Oh, wow. How old are you now?"

"I'm 20, you?"

"I'm 17."

"Just graduated from high school, huh? That's always exciting." Louis nudged him slightly with a grin.

Harry just smiled and nodded. "Yeah, it is."

"Okay, we're here!" Louis exclaimed, once they reached the last cabin before it broke off into the wooded area.

Louis walked in first, Harry following right behind.

Right away, he noticed a set of bunk beds off in the right corner, a sitting room to the left and a door just behind it, which he assumed was the bathroom.

"Okay, so I took the top bunk, unless you really want it. I don't mind. Uh, this area right here is kinda just to chill," Louis pointed towards the table and chairs. "And then this is the bathroom," Louis went to open the door and Harry peaked inside curiously.

"We have a meeting in a half an hour or so, to find out which kids we'll have and to get our schedule for the week, so we can just hangout here till then," Louis explained, plopping himself down in one of the chairs by the table. "Also, all the girls' cabins are just across the volleyball field. They're all like super hot, but try not to get distracted, yeah?" He joked.

Okay, so he must be bisexual, just like Harry was. 

"I'll try not to," Harry let out a small laugh, and walked over to put his bag on the bottom bunk.

How could Harry possibly get distracted by anyone else when Louis existed?

..And was sharing a cabin with him for two months.

Take Me Home || Larry Stylinson One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz