*Rock Me*

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{Harry and Louis meet during a camping trip with mutual friends and well, things get pretty heated in Harry's tent late at night}

Both: 20

Word count: 2603

Word count: 2603

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Harry sighed happily as he stared out at the lake, the sun glistening on it perfectly.

Harry loved being out in nature. He loved camping, going to the beach, all of it.

It just made him feel so calm and relaxed, especially with exams coming up in a month. He really needed this.

"Harry, come here! Liam and his friends are here!"

Harry reluctantly followed the voice of his friend, Niall, and walked back up to their campsite, which was now filled with four more people.

There were two girls and two boys and from first glance, Harry could guess that they were couples.

"Hey, Harry, right?" One guy stepped over and Harry assumed this was Liam, Niall's friend.

"Yeah, that's me." Harry offered a smile.

"I'm Liam, this is my girlfriend, Danielle," Liam pointed to his right. "And this is Zayn and that's Perrie."

The girls smiled and waved cutely, while Zayn just nodded his head at Harry.

"Oi, where's Louis?" Liam suddenly realized his friend was missing.

"I'm here! Sorry I was having a wee," another boy ran over from behind the cars and Harry was stuck in a trance as he stared at him.

He had bright blue eyes and brown hair that was up in a quiff, some stubble on his face, and he was wearing basketball shorts and quite a tight t shirt that showed off his body perfectly. He was hot.

"Everyone, this is Louis. He really knows how to make an entrance," Liam laughed.

Harry still couldn't take his eyes off Louis, and when they finally locked eyes and Louis smirked, they were both absolutely gone for each other.


Everyone was laughing as they sat around the fire, Niall playing guitar and singing random made up songs.

Harry was watching the sun go down across the lake, his eyes sparkling at the beautiful sight.

And well, Louis was watching an even more beautiful sight; Harry.

Louis thought he was so perfect. His eyes were the most captivating shade of green, his hair was so curly and messy but somehow looked so neatly placed on his head, and god, his smile and those lips. Louis really just wanted them around his dick - in the least creepy way possible.

Even though he had just met him the day before, Louis was head over heels for the boy and every time he caught Harry staring at him, he was sure Harry felt the same.

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