I Would

958 19 12

{Louis' been crushing on Harry forever, but then he gets a boyfriend. Louis knows he could treat Harry better}

Both: 16

Word count: 3738

Word count: 3738

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Louis had been into Harry as long as he could remember.

They'd been at the same school for four years now and Louis still remembers the first time he saw Harry in year seven. This cute 12-year-old boy with crazy, curly hair and bright green eyes. It was love at first sight and well, Harry was the reason Louis found out he was bisexual.

Louis and Harry never really became friends over the years, but they had classes together sometimes and would say hi to each other in the halls. It didn't ever go any further than that.

Louis was too scared to ever ask Harry out because he had absolutely no idea if the boy was gay or bisexual, or liked boys in any way. Or what if he just didn't like Louis? He didn't want to put himself out there just to be rejected by him, so he never did anything.

And then the absolute worst happened in year 11.

Harry got a boyfriend.

A fucking boyfriend.

So Louis had been pining after him, but too scared to do anything because he wasn't sure if he was gay.

Oh and the worst part?

His boyfriend was the captain of the football team, the same team Louis was on. And now Louis would have to see him at every practice and every game, cheering for Dean and not him.

Even worse, Louis knew Dean was a complete asshole. He was the embodiment of the stereotypical jock, flirting with everyone and everything that walked, and now apparently he was dating Harry, the most perfect, adorable, sweet, innocent human ever. Louis knew Dean wouldn't treat Harry the way he deserved to be treated, and he knew he could treat him better.

"Have fun at school, hun!" Jay called, as Louis was slipping on his shoes.

"I will, mum," He responded, "Love you!"

And that only caused all of his sisters to scream it back at him, to which he just laughed and left the house, zipping up his sweater on the way out.

He could've waited and got a ride with all of them, but his sisters all went to a different school and he didn't like making his mum go out of the way for him. Plus he enjoyed walking. Gave him time to think and clear his head.

He put his headphones in then and blasted his music, as he walked, which means he didn't hear the several cracks of thunder and he really wasn't paying attention to the dark clouds in the sky.

And then it started raining, hard.

Louis groaned and pulled his hood up, and started to walk faster. He was only a few minutes from the school.

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