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It was only 12 o'clock, but Daisy wanted to make sure we got close so she dragged me and Maddie to go early. We were one of the first ones there which surprised me as not only was it The Strokes, it was at the 02 with limited tickets so I assumed more people would have been there to get to the front. Regardless, we were there waiting and it was cold. I was wearing my Dr Martens and a t shirt dress with my Carhartt bag over my shoulder. Maddie also had her Dr Martens on, a black skirt and a mesh t shirt; Daisy had her checkered pants on with white trainers and a Strokes t shirt tucked in. By 4 o'clock we were sat on the concrete against the railings and I was growing impatient. I stood up to look to my left to see how busy it was and I couldn't see the end of the line. One, because there were so many fans starting to queue up and two the group of lads next to me were blocking my view. One caught my attention though, he was tall, skinny, his hair swooped over his face but not enough to not see his pricing blue eyes and long eyelashes. He was wearing skinny jeans, Chelsea boots, a denim jacket and what seemed to be a black t shirt with a gold looking necklace hanging on top.

I found myself staring so pulled my attention back to my friends and my sudden urge for a cigarette. I offered them round but both Daisy and Maddie declined. As I fumbled in my tiny bum bag for my lighter, a tap on my shoulder made me jump.

"Need a light love?" the blue eyed boy stood smiling holding his lighter out.

"Thanks" I said as I took it out of his hand and lit my cigarette. Watching as he lit his own, I slouched back onto the floor with my back against the railings. I was surprised when he joined me on the floor sitting opposite to me. I studied the boy as he sat looking at me, smoking his cigarette.

"You want to take a picture of me or just keep staring" the boy laughed.

"Oh sorry, erm I just recognise you that's all.

"Haha, it's alright im Van" he said as he reached his hand out

"Alice" I replied as I shook it

He smiled and took another drag of his cigarette.

"So Alice, have you been a fan of The Strokes for long?"

"Not really. I think I found them sometime last year but they're one of my favourite bands now" I smiled.

"Fairs. So what's your favourite song of theirs?"

"Easy, You only live once, first impressions of earth is their best album I think. I heard everyone went mental and said they lost their sound, like the critics and that, but it's hands down my favourite album of theirs"

"Aye? that's what I always say about it! Got some good ones on it, jukebox, yolo. It was a real inspiration and help with my songwriting."

"Oh you're a singer too?"

"Yeah yeah in a band called Catfish and the Bottlemen, these are the lads in the band with me too"

He looked up and pointed to four other boys stood up above us. The name rang a bell but I still wasn't sure.

"Ah it rings a bell, would I have heard anything of yours before on the radio?"

"Well Radio X play us quite a bit, got songs called Cocoon and Kathleen that are alright haha"

"Oh yes! I've heard of them before, good songs, probably where I recognise you from"

"Thank you very much Alice."

We put our cigarettes out and stood up as time was flying over and people had started going in. I introduced Van to Maddie and Daisy, I mentioned he was in a band but they hadn't heard of them before. They both smiled and Maddie nudged me discreetly before giving me the eyes.

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