Chapter 12 Makara

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I watched as every citizen of Memphis, every man and woman and child put to the sword and the torch. Fires were everywhere, people were screaming. Some were praying for the gods to help them. But no help came ... I watched as Ahmose was struck down by an arrow his body trampled by the troops around him as they fled from the battlefield ... Ka was kneeling at the base of  his father's throne. Sutekh sitting on it, his hands dripping with blood. He stood up and with one swift movement took Ka's head from his body. His head rolling to my feet, I screamed.... He turned and crept closer his sword held above his head to strike me down.

I bolted upright screaming. It was still night, Nut's belly filled with stars. But the early morning light was beginning to creep into her belly. The torches had long since died. The embers sending soft curling smoke into the air. I pulled my knees to my chest. I never had a vision come to me in my dreams. I was plagued by nightmares, but never did the gods grant me a vision. So why now? Why were the gods sending visions into my dreams now? I felt tears form in my eyes. I brought Sutekh to Memphis, he would have spared the city at least a few more months before his invasion. Was I wrong in going with Ka? Did I make a mistake in allowing him to bring me here? Would the love that I have for Ka be his downfall? Would it mean the death of everything he held dear. Would it mean his death?

"Makara, are you alright," Ka asked, sitting up beside me. I could not make out his features in the dark. But the concern in his voice was heard. 

"I had a vision Ka. It was horrible, and now I have brought death and destruction to Memphis. This is all my fault," I cried burying my face into my knees. I felt him wrap his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his chest. He rubbed my shoulder trying to sooth me. But I felt fear creeping through my stomach and into my heart. 

"Hush my love, hush it will be alright. This is not your fault. None of this was your fault," he replied softly. Kissing my head trying to console me. But all I could do was sob. It was not alright. He was going to die because I was here. His people would die because of me. 

"Ka, please, you do not understand," I said. He pulled away and looked at me.  He needed to know that he was in danger. His city was in danger. 

"Makara, hush it is alright. We will be fine. You will be fine," he said. He wrapped his arms around me again. He laid us back down and pulled me to his chest. 

"Sleep now my love, I love you," he whispered into my ear. I listened as his breathing slowed. I tried to close my eyes. Tried to fall asleep. But sleep would not come. All I saw were the visions of Memphis burning. I sighed and carefully got up, I pulled my shawl closer to my  body and walked into the garden. I sat by the lotus pool. Staring down at my reflection. A stray tear escaping my eye. I was terrified, I did not want Ka to die. Not by Sutekh's hand. Ka was everything to me, he was my other half. I only just found him. I could not lose him now. There had to be a way to stop my vision from coming true. Saving Ka from his fate. I stared into the water, I touched it with my hand. As it rippled, I saw flashes of my vision. The bodies, the flames, Ahmose's trampled body, Ka's lifeless eyes.  

"Makara," Ka whispered behind me. I turned and saw him standing in the archway. The darkness hiding his face. I smiled sheepishly at him. 

"I could not sleep, every time I shut my eyes. The vision came back to me," I said. He sighed and came to sit next to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. 

"What did you see? What has you so scared," he asked. I buried my face into his chest. Could I really tell him about his death? The destruction of Memphis? How was it my fault? That I caused Sutekh to bring his forces to Memphis. 

"It came in flashes, first I saw the people of Memphis lying dead in the streets. Your father was killed by an arrow, you being beheaded by Sutekh, and then him striking me down, it was terrible," I sobbed. He held me there silent for a moment. 

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