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I remamber living at hill top. I was young. Way to young to have any real legitimate memories. I remamber waking up some nights and hearing a party going on in the living room. Waking up to check on my little brother who slept in a crib right next to me and my moms bed. Small fleeting memories that shouldn't really account for anything.
However, I do remamber standing on my nanas pourch. We lived on hill top. My mother, brother, and I lived in a trailer that was leased to my crack addict nana. I didn't know about her addiction at the time. To me, she was just my nana. I loved my nana. That night I remamber feeling confused. I was standing there on the pourch. It was dark and the door was closed. I looked throw the window that sat right next to the closed entrencd I was standing in front of to see my nana screaming at someone while she ran down the hallway. My mom said "let's go". I looked up to see a man carrying my brother. my mom walking down the step behind him. I followed. That's when my memorie ends. I wouldn't find out till later that my nana and her boyfriend had just finished one of there crack benges and on arrival back to the house, my mom demanded some rent money, which she got. However, the money she received and put in her pocket was missing when she went back to retrieve her dirty pants from the laundry. When she confronted nana and her boyfriend they immediately went on the defense and started acting irradical and in the process kicked us out. I remamber though as I stood there on the porch looking into my nanas manic episode that all I wanted to do was open the door and hug her. To Cesse the pain that was cascading over our family. I was 2 though, what did I know.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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The story of a sad girlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ