Live While We're Young

Start from the beginning

"You are such a drama queen, Harold. Let's go," Lottie looped her arm through Harry's and dragged him into the house, which was in fact very loud.

The two made their way straight to the kitchen, where the counter was filled with drink options. They both got something fruity that just tasted like juice and then started to walk through the house, just checking everything out.

"Oi, Lottie!"

Harry really wasn't expecting to see Louis of all people when he turned around, but that's exactly who it was.

"Louis, hi!" The siblings hugged, as Harry chugged back his drink. He wasn't quite prepared to speak to Lottie's super hot, older brother.

So this must've been how Lottie found out about the party. Harry should've known.

As soon as Louis turned his attention to Harry, the younger boy felt weak in the knees.

"Hey, Harry, how's it going?" He grinned, which only made Harry's stomach flip.

"Good, um, I need another drink," Harry retreated to the kitchen without another word.

He was happy to see no one was in there and it was much quieter, so he could try to wrap his head around the fact that Louis was here. The boy he'd been madly in love with since he was 11 was here. Who also happened to be his best friend's big brother.

And just to make everything worse, the one person Harry was trying to stay away from walked in.

Louis stood on the other side of the counter, silently making himself another drink while Harry stared at him.

When he looked up and their eyes locked, Harry couldn't even think of looking away. Louis' eyes were mesmerizing.

"I may be saying this because I'm a little drunk and way too brave, but you are so perfect," Louis breathed out. He'd been wanting to say that for too long, it felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

Harry froze in his spot. This may be one of the first times he's had alcohol in his system, but he wasn't possibly drunk enough to imagine Louis saying that.

"I, um, I - uh - thanks," Harry stuttered out and it ended up sounding more like a question, as he looked away to hide his blush.

Louis kept staring at him though, really wishing he hadn't had that last beer. This was his little sister's best friend, who was like 3 years younger than him. That made him a pedophile or a creep or something, but he couldn't help it. He'd always had a soft spot for Harry, ever since they first met when he was 11 and Louis was 14. Basically made Louis realize that he was definitely not only attracted to girls.

The two stayed silent in the kitchen for a while, both just sipping their drinks and sharing occasional glances.

"Do you wanna maybe go out there and dance or something?" Louis asked before he could stop himself.

And as Harry finished off the last sip of his drink, he felt himself nodding with a small smile.

"Yeah, I do."


Harry woke up the next morning with a slight ache in his head, and in an unfamiliar setting.

He slowly blinked to adjust to the light, realizing he was in what looked to be a dorm room. As he went to move, pain shot through his lower back and ass, and that's also when he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his waist from behind.

Everything came flooding back to him at once.

Dancing with Louis.

Kissing Louis.

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